Theoretical Probability
Experimental Probability
Number Cubes
Using A, What is the theoretical probablilty of choosing a blue marble?
What is 1/2
Using B, what is the experimental probability of tossing two tails?
What is 5/24
Using C, use the Fundamental Counting Principle to find the total number of possible outcomes.
What is 12
You roll a number cube twice, what is the probability of rolling a 4 and then an even number?
What is 1/12
Which sample is better for making a prediction and why? A random sample of 10 customers leaving a store OR A random sample of 50 customers leaving a store.
What is a random sample of 50 customers leaving a store. Larger sample sizes are more representative.
Using A, the theoretical probability of choosing a green marble.
What is 1/6
Using B, what is the experimental probability of tossing one head and one tail?
What is 5/8
Using D, use the Fundamental Counting Principle to find the total number of possible outcomes.
What is 18
You roll a number cube twice, what is the probability of rolling a 3 and then a 3?
What is 1/36
You want to know the number of students in your school that have a January birthday. You survey the students in your math class. Three have a January birthday, 32 do not. (Big class!) You conclude that about 8.6% of the students in your school have a January birthday. Is your conclusion valid? Why?
What is Yes! Your sample is random (everyone takes a math class) and large enough to provide useful results.
Using A, the theoretical probability of NOT choosing a red marble.
What is 2/3
Using B, what is the experimental probability of tossing all heads or all tails?
What is 3/8
You go to Baskin Robbins to get some ice cream. There are 3 cone choices, 31 flavor choices, and 3 cone sizes. Without mixing flavors, how many total options are there?
What is 186. Yum!
You roll a number cube twice, what is the probability of rolling a number less than 1 and then a number less than 2?
What is 0
Using E, what is the Mean and MAD of Doctor office A
What is 6 and 1.33333333333333333............
It rains on one out of every five days in July. What is the LIKELIHOOD of it raining on a random day in July?
What is unlikely.
Using B, what is the experimental probability of NOT tossing two heads?
What is 5/6
Pizza! There are 3 sizes available, 4 different types of crust, and 10 different toppings. You order a pizza with two DIFFERENT toppings, how many combinations are there?
What is 1080 combinations!!! PIZZA!!!
You flip a coin and you roll a number cube. What is the probability that you get heads and roll a number less than 3?
What is 1/6
Using E, what is the Mean and MAD of Doctor office B?
What is 3 and 1.4666666666666666666666................
What is the LIKELIHOOD of the sun rising tomorrow?
What is certain! (I know scientifically it is a theory, but c'mon...) If by chance it doesn't, it was really nice working with y'all...... Dun Dun Dun.
A cooler contains 10 grape juice bottles and 15 cranberry juice bottles. You randomly choose two bottles simultaneously. What is the probability that both bottles are cranberry?
What is 7/20
Choose again! I got lazy and ran out of questions....
You roll a single number cube twice. You want to roll two even numbers. Determine weather the events are independent or dependent. Why?
What is independent. Because the outcomes are not connected. You roll the die, pick it up, and roll it again. No outcomes are removed.
A factory produces 90 pairs of jeans. Upon inspection, 1 of 6 randomly chosen pairs is defective. How many of the 90 pairs would you expect to be defective?
What is 15 pairs of jeans.