Theoretical Probability
Independent or Dependent?
Experimental Probability
Sample Space Probability
The probability of getting an A or B on a paper if you could get an A, B, C, or F.
What is 0.5, 50%, 1/2
You toss a coin and roll a die. What is the probability of getting a heads and a four?
What is independent
A bag has 16 quarters, 33 dimes, 21 nickels. What is the probability, expressed as a percent, of randomly selecting a nickel from the bag?
What is 30%
You have three coins in your pocket, a quarter, dime, and nickle. What is the total number of possible outcomes that can occur with a flip of each coin.
What is 6 total possible outcomes
The probability of drawing a blue or green marble out of a bag containing 3 blue, 2 green, 8 yellow, 4 red, and 3 orange marbles.
What is 0.25, 25%, 1/4
You choose a marble from a jar containing five red, two orange and three green marbles and toss a coin. What is the probability of choosing an orange marble and the coin landing on tails?
What is independent
Jimmy rolled a die 90 times and recorded the results. He got a one 15 times, a two 22 times, a three 18 times, a four 11 times, a five 13 times and a six 11 times. Using his results, about how many twos could Jimmy expect if he rolled the die 1500 times?
What is 367 times
In a sample of 275 people 225 could tell the difference between two different types of cream cookies. Based on this data, what is the best estimate of how many in the population of 5,000 people could tell the difference between the cookies?
What is 4090 people
The probability of NOT drawing a red marble out of a bag containing 3 blue, 2 green, 8 yellow, 4 red, and 3 orange marbles.
What is 0.8, 80%, 4/5
You draw two cards from a deck at the same time. What is the probability that you draw a heart and a spade?
What is dependent
You go to the movies. The popcorn selection is larger than you expected. You are able to purchase a popcorn in 3 different sizes and with 5 different flavors. What is the total number of possible outcomes for your popcorn selection?
What is 15 total possible outcomes.
The probability of getting a heads and an even number if you roll a coin and flip a die at the same time.
What is 0.25, 25%, 1/4
Your teacher wants to choose two students to help with a problem. He chooses one student from the class and then another. The class has ten boys and eight girls. What is the probability that he chooses a boy and then a girl?
What is dependent
You go to a car dealership. You decide to make a purchase but you cannot make up your mind between 3 brands, 3 types, and 5 colors. What is the total number of possible outcomes for selecting a vehicle
What is 45 total outcomes.
The probability of drawing an an even number or number greater than 4 out of a bag containing the numbers 1 - 10, inclusive.
What is 0.8. 80%, 4/5
You roll a die once and then roll a die a second time. What is the probability that you roll a five and a two?
What is independent
You have 6 shirts that you love to wear. However, you only have 3 different pairs of pants. You decide to wear socks with your selected outfit, you have 9 different pairs to choose from. What is the total number of possible outfits?
What is 162 total number of outfits