Single Probability
List/ Tree
Chances of getting heads on a coin
What is 1/2
chances of spinning a 1 and then an even number on a spinner labeled 1-4 (FRACTION ONLY)
What is 1/8
pick a red card from the deck, do not replace it, pick a yellow card. (FRACTION ONLY) 2 red, 3 yellow, 1 green
What is 1/5
Write the formula for a combination
What is n! r! (n-r)!
make a list of the possible orders of the numbers 1,2,3 (Using all of the numbers)
What is 1,2,3 3,2,1 1,3,2 2,3,1 2,1,3 3,1,2 or 6
chances of getting an even number on an 8 sided die
What is 1/2 or 4/8
chances of flipping heads or tails on a coin and an even number on a 6 sided die. (FRACTION ONLY)
What is 1/2
chances of picking a blue pair of socks, not replacing them, and picking a green pair of socks. (FRACTION ONLY) 2 blue pairs of socks, 1 green pair of socks, 2 black pairs of socks.
What is 1/10
Jose has the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 on cards. How many orders can he arrange the numbers using two cards at a time
What is 20
create a tree diagram with the following: 2 sizes - M or L 2 cones - chocolate or vanilla 3 flavors of ice cream - Mint, Strawberry or Mango
What is S C M M M S V M M S C M L M S V M M
chances of getting a 6 or higher on a 10 sided die
What is 5/10 or 1/2
chances of picking a black pair of socks, replacing it and picking black socks again. (FRACTION ONLY) 2 black pairs of socks, 2 green pairs of socks, and 1 white pair of socks.
What is 4/25
picking a yellow marble from the jar, not replacing it and picking a white marble from the jar. (FRACTION ONLY) 3 yellow, 4 white, 2 blue, 3 green
What is 1/11
Mary has 9 brothers and sisters. How many groups of 6 brothers and sisters can Mary make
What is 84
How many combinations of 1 shirt and 1 pair of pants can you make with the following (Use a tree diagram or list) Shirts Pants purple jeans striped dickies yellow solid
What is 8
Chances of picking a blue card out of 3 red, 2 blue
What is 2/5
pick a blue marble, replace it and pick a green marble. (FRACTION ONLY) 4 blue, 2 green, 4 yellow
What is 2/25
picking a red card from a deck of cards, not replacing it and picking another red card. 10 red, 2 blue, 5 black
What is 45/56
Mary, Josh, Sonya and Marcus ran in a race. How many orders can they finish the race
What is 24
Create a tree diagram to find the probability of picking a S or M chocolate ice cream out of SML and Chocolate or Strawberry ice cream
What is 2/6 or 1/3
chances of picking a heart out of a deck of cards
What is 3/52
pick a red card from a deck of cards, replace it and pick a black card. (FRACTION ONLY)
What is 1/4
picking a blue marble, not replacing it, picking a green marble not replacing it, and picking a yellow marble. 2 blue, 3 green, 1 yellow
What is 1/20
How many combinations of 3 numbers can you make from the following numbers. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
What is 35
Create a list to find the number of ways to arrange the numbers 4,5,6,7
What is 24