Simple Probability
Compound Probability
Tree Diagrams
Probability Table
The type of probability based on events that have already happened.

Experimental Probability


What is the probability of reaching into the bag in fig. 1 and pulling out a blue marble?

2/5 or 40%


What is the probability of flipping a coin, getting heads and then rolling a six-sided die and getting tails?

1/12 or about 8.33%


Make a tree diagram showing all of the possible outcomes for flipping a coin and then rolling a six-sided die.

12 outcomes:  H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6


Make a probability table showing all of the potential outcomes when flipping a coin 2 times.

The table should be 2 by 2 and show the possible outcomes as HH, HT, TH and TT.


The type of probability based on the mathemtaical odds that something "should" happen.  It is represented as the desired event over the possible outcomes.

Theoretical Probability


What is the probability of spinning "dog" on the spinner in fig. 2?

1/2 or 50%

Using the marble bag in fig. 1, what is the probability of grabbing a red marble, putting it back in the bag and then grabbing another red marble?

9/25 or 36%


Make a tree diagram for a pancake restaurant that sells 3 sizes (small, medium, large) and 3 topping options (plain, blueberry, chocolate) showing all of the possible orders.

9 possible orders: small plain, small blueberry, small chocolate chip; medium plain, medium blueberry, medium chocolate chip; large plain, large blueberry, large chocolate chip.


Make a probability table showing all of the possible outcomes when spinning the spinner in fig. 2 twice.

The table should be 4 by 4, showing outcomes of DD, DD, DC, DF, DD, DD, DC, DF,  CD, CD, CC, CF and FD, FD, FC, FF.

If the spinner in fig. 3 is spun 2 times, are those events considered independent or dependent?



What is the probability of spinning the spinner in fig. 3 and getting a vowel (A, E, I, O or U)?

5/8 or 62.5%


Using the marble bag in fig. 1, what is the probability of grabbing a blue marble, KEEPING IT and then grabbing another blue marble?

1/10 or 10%


Based on the tree diagram in fig. 4, how many possible outfits are there?

6 outfits possible


What do the outcomes in the table for Fig. 6 represent?

The outcomes on the table represent all of the possible sums when first spinning spinner A and then spinning spinner B.


If you are a king from a deck of cards, is your probability of getting another king independent or dependent?



What is the probability of rolling six-sided die, and getting a number larger than 4?  

1/3 or 33.33%


Using the marble bag in fig. 1, what is the probability of pulling two marbles out and having them both match?

2/5 or 40%


Based on fig. 5, what is the probability of doing 2 rounds and getting zero reds?

1/2 or 50%


Fill in the final row of the table in fig. 6

The final row should be 11, 7, 5, 4


On the first day of this unit Mr. Kosty shared a chart from wikipedia outlining probability terms connected to different percentages.  What term is associated with probabilities around 75%?

Probable or Likley


Using a 52-card deck (with four suits), what is the probability of a spade OR a 7?

4/13 or about 31%


What is the probability of rolling two dice and getting something other than 7?

5/6 or about 83.33%


Looking at the tree diagram in fig. 5, is the activity being represented independent or dependent?

Dependent (in the second round you can tell that there is no way if getting the same thing twice).


Make a probability table to represent the same clothing situation as fig. 4.

One side of the table should be labeled Shirt Color: Black, Brown, White; the other side should be labeled Pants: Black, Jeans.  Inside the table should have 6 different outfit combinations.