Essential Questions
Numeric Response
What is the definition for probability?
The likelihood that an event will occur.
What is the significance of a large number or trials?
Better accuracy.
A bag of marbles contains 7 red, 12 orange, 3 blue and 6 multi-colored marbles. What is the probability of picking out a marble that isn't orange?
= 16/28 = 4/7
If you toss a fair coin 98 times, how many times do you predict it will land tails up?
1/2 = x/98 x = 49
Explain why taking a survey at an ice cream parlor would not be a good random sample for the question, "what's your favorite dessert?"
Because the answer would be biased.
What is the definition of experimental probability?
The ratio of the number of times an event occurs to the total number of trials, or times that the activity is performed
What is the difference between theoretical and experimental probability?
Theoretical is what you should get and Experimental is the actual result after an experiment.
A set of 21 cards is numbered 1, 2, 3, ...., 21. Suppose you choose one card at random without looking. What is the probability of choosing an odd-numbered card?
= 11/21 = 1/2
If you roll a number cube 72 times, how many times would you expect to roll a prime number?
3/6 = x/72 x = 36
P(2, 3, or 4) - NOTE - A set of 52 playing cards contains 4 different suits of 13 cards each. Hearts and diamonds are red; spades and clubs are black. Each suit contains cards numbered 2 through 10, a jack, queen, king, and an ace.
= 12/52 = 3/13
What is the definition of theoretical probability?
The ratio of the number of equally likely outcomes in an event to the total number of possible outcomes.
How can I use probability to make predictions?
I use my theoretical probability (my fact) and set up a proportion.
Tim has a bag with 6 pennies. How many dimes should he add so that the probability of picking a penny at random from these coins is 1/3?
18 Answers may vary.
70% of people surveyed said that they prefer french fries to onion rings. 30 restaurant diners were asked which they preferred, can you predict how many said french fries?
70/100 = x/30 x = 21
If you spin the spinner shown, what is P(Red or Yellow)?
What is the definition for outcome?
A possible result of a probability experiment.
Carrie spun a spinner divided into four equal sections numbered 1 to 4. Four out of 10 times, the spinner lands on 3. What would be the BEST way for Carrie to change the experiment so that the probability of the spinner landing on 3 was closer to 1/4?
She could increase the number of times she spins the spinner... larger number of trials.
A computer chip company finds that the experimental probability of manufacturing a defective computer chip is 4/15. How many defective computer chips are likely to be in a batch of 750 computer chips?
4/15 = x/750 x = 200
If 6 out of 10 people prefer skittles over m&m's, how many people out of 160 people would you predict would prefer skittles?
6/10 = x/160 x = 96
A cereal company is having a contest. Each box of cereal contains one of the letters W, O, R, D. In every 20 boxes there are 4 W's, 5 O's, 10 R's, and 1 D. What is the probability that a box of cereal will have a W?
= 4/20 = 1/5
What is the definition of trial?
The number of times that an experiment is conducted.
Julie has 4 pencils that are colored red, blue, yellow, and orange in her bookbag. Last week, of the 18 times that she reached for a pencil, she grabbed the yellow pencil 8 times. How does the experimental probability of choosing a yellow pencil compare to the theoretical probability?
The theoretical probability is 1/4 The experimental probability is 8/18 = 4/9
A coin-operated vending machine sells plastic rings. It contains 6 yellow rings, 11 blue rings, 15 green rings, and 3 black rings. Sarah puts a coin into the machine. Find the theoretical probability she gets a black ring. Express you answer as a decimal. If necessary, round your answer to the nearest thousandth.
= 3/35 = 0.086
Kim took a survey of students' favorite subjects from a random sample sixth graders. The results are shown below: Math ---- 15 Language Arts ---- 13 Social Studies ---- 8 Science ---- 6 In a group of 140 students, how many do you predict would choose math as their favorite subject?
15/42 = x/140 x = 50
A bag contains one red marble and one green marble. You pick a red marble and put it back. If you randomly select another marble, what is the probability that it will be green?