Simple Events
Compound Events
Final Jeopardy

How many outfits could you create if you have 4 different shirts and 3 different pairs of pants?

12 different outfits


What is the probability of rolling an even number on a regular die?



What is the probability of rolling double 6s when shaking two dice?



If I look at the weather report and it says there is a 60% chance of rain, what type of probability is this?



A man has a fox, a chicken, and a bag of corn. The man has to cross a river and only has enough room in his boat to carry him and one other thing. If the fox and the chicken are left together the fox will eat the chicken. If the chicken and the corn are left together the chicken will eat the corn. How does he transport all items without any being eaten?

Answer on slide.


How many different subs could you create at Subway if you chose from 3 different kinds of bread, 5 different kinds of meat, 2 cheeses, 4 different veggies, and the sandwich can be toasted or not toasted?

240 different sandwiches. 


What is the probability of drawing a 4 of any suit from a regular deck of cards?



What is the probability of rolling 4 4s when shaking 4 dice?



What do we call a display of all possible outcomes from a given event or events? Examples would be lists, trees, or tables.

Sample Space


Edmond is buying a new car. There are 6 different models to choose from, each with 6 exterior colors available. For the interior, Edmond has 10 different choices. In addition, there are 2 choices for the sound system. How many different cars can Edmond order?

720 different cars


Deb flips a regular coin 25 times. If the experimental probability of her flipping heads is 20%, how many times did she get heads? 

5 heads


What is the probability of drawing two aces in a row from a deck of cards?



What law tells us that the more you do an experiment the closer the experimental probability will get to the theoretical probability.  

Law of large numbers


Oscar is selecting animals for a new petting zoo. There are 6 ponies and 7 rabbits to choose from. For the goats, Oscar has 5 options. In how many different ways can Oscar create a petting zoo with one of each animal?

210 different ways


Billy Bob rolls a regular die 600 times. His experimental probability of rolling a 6 was 2/15. How many times did Billy Bod roll a 6?

80 times


If there are 10 different marbles in a bucket what is the probability of drawing a yellow one and then a green one if the first marble wasn't replaced?



What is the probability of rolling a 13 when I shake 2 dice?



Hassan just got his drivers license he gets to choose his license plate number. How many different license plates could he choose from if the plate has 6 different characters?

2176782336 different plates


James drew a card from a regular deck of cards 52 times. His relative frequency of drawing a King was 1/4. How many times did he draw a king? 

13 times


If I spin a four color spinner (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green), roll a regular die, and then draw two cards from a deck what is the probability that I first spin blue, then roll an odd number, then draw a face card, and finally draw an ace of spades?



A bag contains 50 marbles, 23 red ones and 22 blue ones, and 5 white ones. How many white marbles would I need to add to increase its theoretical probability to 25%?

10 white marbles