Experimental Probability
Relative Probability
Theoretical Probability
Dependent & Independent Events
All About Probability
define experimental probability?
What is the ratio of the number of times the event occurs to the total number of trials.
What is relative frequency?
What is the ratio of the number of times an event occurs to the number of occasions on which it might occur in the same period.
The best we can obtain through actual experimentation is an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the theoretical probability?
What is Estimate
Landing on heads after tossing a coin AND rolling a 5 on a single 6-sided die?
What is Independent
how many possible outcomes are there, if you flip a coin?
What is 2
The experimental probability for equally likely events is the fraction?
What is # favorable outcomes/total outcomes
Is probability based on rules or laws?
What is No
The formula for finding Theoretical probability?
What is P(E)= Number of favorable outcomes(n(S)) /Total number of outcomes(n(E)) .
Taking out a marble from a bag containing some marbles and not replacing it, and then taking out a second marble?
What is dependent
There are 5 marbles in a bag. 4 are blue and one is red. If a marble is selected by random what is the possibility of selecting a blue marble?
What is 4/6
A coin is tossed 60 times, 27 times head appeared. Find the experimental probability of getting heads?
What is 9/20
The formula for relative probability?
What is P(X) = Number of times an event occurred in the past/ Total number of opportunities for the event to occur
When you flip a coin, there are only 2 sides - heads and tails. The theoretical probability for each is?
What is P(H) = 1/2 = 0.5 & P(T) = 1/2 = 0.5
Getting a face card in the first draw from a deck of playing cards and getting a face card in the second draw. (The first card is not replaced.)
What is dependent
There are 3 red candies left in a bag of multicolored candies with a total of 20 candies left in it. The probability that you will get a red one when you reach in is?
What is 3/20
3 related terms for Experimental Probability?
What is 1. Event 2. Trial 3. Probability
A company wants to decide on the probability that its inspectors are going to reject the next ship loaad of materials from a supplier. The supplier had sent your company 80 batches in the past, and inspectors had rejected 15 of them. By the method of relative probability, the probability of the inspectors rejecting the next batch is ?
What is 15/80, or 0.19.
A dime is tossed, A number less than or equal to 3 appears.
What is 3/6 = (1/2)
card is chosen at random from a deck of 52 cards. It is then replaced and a second card is chosen?
What is dependent
A jar contains 3 red, 5 green, 2 blue and 6 yellow marbles. A marble is chosen at random from the jar. After replacing it, a second marble is chosen. What is the probability of choosing a green and a yellow marble?
What is P(green)= 5/16 & P(yellow)= 6/16
A number cube is rolled 50 times. A 3 appeared 10 times.
What is 10 out of 50 or 20%.
Relative probability is based on cumulative ?
What is historical data
A class containing 18 boys and 12 girls.The teacher calls on students at random to recite.What is the probability that the first student called is a boy (reduce to lowest terms) ?
What is 3/5
There are one pair of socks of each of the following colors: blue, brown, red, white and black. Each pair is folded together in matching pairs. You reach into the drawer and without looking pull out a pair. The first pair you pull out is red. You replace this pair and choose another pair?
What is Independent
A letter is chosen at random form the word " Probability ", what is the probability that the letter is a vowel?
What is 4/11