Independent Events
Dependent Events
Theoretical and Experimental
all mixed up
FCP, Permutations
You flip a coin and roll a dice. Find the probability that you flip a tails and roll a 3.
A bag of marbles contains 3 red marbles, 4 blue marbles, and 1 green marble. If a marble is pulled, set aside, and a second marble is pulled, what is the probability that the first marble is red and the second marble is green?
Diego flips a coin 10 times and gets 9 heads. Is his experimental probability higher or lower than the theoretical probability of getting heads? Explain
His experimental probability is higher (9/10) than theoretical (5/10)
You take over for Mr. Huser as DJ at the dance for 5 songs. He picks the 5 songs and tells you that you can pick the order. How many different ways could you order them>
24 ways
You can pick from Science, Lit, GVC, Math, FL, or History for your first three classes. How many different wys could they be arranged?
120 ways
You have 10 cards numbered 1-10 in your pocket. If you draw one card, return it, and draw a second card, what is the probability that they are both even?
You have 10 cards numbered 1-10 in your pocket. If you draw one card, set it aside, and draw a second card, what is the probability that they are both even?
In a survey of 250 MPS students, 15 said that they did not have a pet. What is the experimental probability of not having a pet? Express as a percent.
Mrs. James challenges Charlie to a rock-paper-scissors tournament. She wins 18 out of 20 times. What is the experimental probability of her winning expressed as a percent?
You go to the cafeteria for lunch and have a choice of 4 entrees, 5 sides, 5 drinks, and 4 desserts. Assuming you have one of each category, how many different lunches could be made?
You draw one card from a standard 52-card deck, return it to the deck, and then draw a second. What is the probability that both cards are Hearts?
You draw one card from a standard 52-card deck, set it aside, and then draw a second. What is the probability that both cards are Queens?
one in four 7th graders secretly loves to tap dance. If I choose 3 7th grade names out of a hat, what is the chance that all three love tap dancing? (fraction)
Mrs James likes to guess people's middle names, and her probability of being correct is 65%. If she guesses all of the middle names in our class (8 people), how many would you expect for her to have correct?
5 people
You toss a penny 4 times. How many different outcomes are there?
You have a coin. If you flip it four times, what is the probability that all four flips come up tails?
A bag contains 3 red, 5 blue, and 2 green marbles. If you draw one marble, set is aside, and the draw a second marble, find the probability that both marbles are red.
What is the probability of drawing a card that is NOT a Queen from a 52-card deck?
Mrs. James challenges you to a game of Bamboozle, where you pick 10 cards. If the card is a face card, you get a point, and if it is a number card, she gets a point. Is this a FAIR GAME? Prove yes/no using probability.
No- Mrs. James has a 9/13 change of getting a point and you only have a 4/13 change
14 8th grade boys are recreating the famous "teamwork" dance. In the first part of the dance, 5 students pirouette behind the curtain. How many different orders can they come out in?
240240 ways
The average NBA player makes about 80% (or 4/5) of free throws. What is the probability of making two free throws in a row?
Tamika has $2.50 in quarters in her pocket, including four state quarters. She reaches into her pocket and takes out two quarters, one at a time. What is the probability that they are both state quarters?
The chances of flipping a coin and getting heads 10 times in a row is 1/1024. What are the chances of not flipping ten heads in a row?
Mrs. James and Peyton Manning are playing rock-paper-scissors to win tickets to the superbowl. Mr. Huser tells her that's a terrible idea because PM has a huge advantage. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use probability to prove your answer.
This is a FAIR GAME because each person has an equal chance of winning. Each outcome is EQUALLY LIKELY. The probability is RANDOM, not based on skill.
A restaurant offers three sizes of pizza (S, M, L), two types of crust (plain or garlic), and two kinds of sauce (red or white). You can eat in, pick it up, or get it delivered). There are 18 toppings to choose from and 3 different cheeses. How many different options are there? Show work~
1944 options