Identify the Problem
Possible Solutions
Coping Skills

"I'm sad all the time and have no motivation to do anything. I feel like I'm incapable of happiness right now." 

What is Depression


Who should you reach out to if you're having concerns about your medications?

What is a psychiatrist or your prescribing doctor. 


- Legal Problem

- Conflict in romantic relationships

- Poor physical health

- Impulsiveness 

What are disadvantages of drinking alcohol. 


"I'm feeling like I want to use again. I've been sober for a few months now and am doing well, but I got some bad news and I feel alone in handling it."

What is time for a sober support meeting.


-Gives you a break to reset and refocus

-Emotional and Mental Break

-Great for Crisis 

-Short-term effectiveness

What are distraction skills. 


"I'm having flashbacks of my childhood when we had a tornado destroy everything and I thought I wasn't going to make it. I'm having nightmares every night about it."

What is PTSD


A rehabilitation practitioner that can come to your house and assist with coping skills, life skills, and other basic needs. 

What is an ARMHS worker.


- Increase in anxiety

- Feeling of being "out of control" 

- Seeing things that aren't there

- Putting yourself in risky situation

- Possible physical side-effects

What are disadvantages of quitting medication.


"My father recently passed away, and I'm really struggling with it. I'm an only child and feel lonely. I'm sad all the time and miss him dearly."

What is talk to a support person and/or see a therapist. 


-Can be exercise, yelling, crying, singing, or other active activity

-Release Stress and Strong Emotions

-Great for Anger Management

-Releases Fear, Shame, and Guilt

What is emotional release


"I'm feeling very sick to my stomach and my palms are sweating. I feel my heart beating fast when I'm around other people and am struggling to sleep." 

What is Anxiety


A peer led program that can assist people with sobriety efforts. 

What is Alcoholics Anonymous. 


- Better sleep

- More energy

- Better eating habits

- Better decision making

- Long-term benefits

What are the advantages of sobriety. 


"I keep seeing shadows out of the corner of my eye. I'm taking my medications and they're helping, but I'm afraid that something bad is going to happen. I don't want to go back to a hospital though."

What is talk to your prescribing physician and therapist about how to cope. 


-Reduces physicality of stress

-Helps with numbness or apathy

-Helps you feel connected and a part of a group

-Helps with emotional regulation

-Makes you feel peace and part of a community

What are grounding techniques. 


"I'm shaking, sweating, and restless. I'm having terrible cramps in my stomach. I've been trying to make some good changes in my life but this feels scary." Hint: it's not anxiety

What is alcohol withdrawal


A type of support that needs good boundaries to be healthy. 

What is friends and family. 


- Less paranoia/ fear of law intervention

- Better memory

- More money

- Improved emotional stability

- Decrease in psychosis risk

What are the advantages of quitting marijuana. 


"I'm stressed about money. I have some debt but can't work right now since I'm working on my sobriety."

What is contact case manager about possible benefits or go to county building to look at options.


-Thought challenge: is it reality or just a worry

-Write down thoughts and read out-loud: do they sound rational?

-Spend time doing what matters most: Does this reflect your priorities

-Talk to healthy friend and ask their opinion

What is reality checking. 


"I'm feeling confused and disoriented. People are telling me I'm saying strange things and seem concerned about me. I feel really stressed and unsafe."

What is Psychosis


A team that requires the following people: 

  • • Team leader (licensed mental health professional)
  • • Psychiatric care provider
  • • Licensed mental health professional
  • • Registered nurse
  • • Co-occurring disorder specialist
  • • Vocational specialist
  • • Mental health certified peer specialist
  • • Program administrative assistant

What is an ACT team. 


- Safely open up to someone

- Have outside opinion on problems

- Personalize coping skills and treatment to your needs

- Develop a healthy support

What are the benefits of therapy. 


"I have trouble taking my meds on time. I know they're important, I just forget. Plus, I don't have a driver's license so refills are hard and sometimes my symptoms get bad so I don't like going out in public anyway."

What is look at the benefits of an ACT team. 


uPositive Affirmation





- Connection

- Believe in something bigger than yourself 

What is Accessing Higher Power