Conflict Cycle
Stop and Think
State the Problem and Setting a Goal
Choices and Consequences
Making a Plan and Doing It

What is the conflict cycle?

A cycle of thoughts, feelings, actions, and consequences that increase and escalate problem situations

A way of responding that makes the problem worse


What does it mean to STOP

Pay attention to your warning signs

Pay attention to how you are responding to the problem sitaution


What does it mean to describe something OBJECTIVELY?

Objective means to focus on the facts of the situation

Facts are not the same as your opinion of what happened


What are choices? 

Options you have in a problem situation


Making a plan involves several parts. Name one part of an effective problem solving plan.

Identify who, where, and when

Identify what you will do or say

Identify how you will do or say it

Decide on a thought to get you started


Name the four parts of the conflict cycle

Warning Signs


What are the three types of warning signs?

Physical reactions

Risky thoughts

Risky feelings


State a problem using the model: 

I think/feel _________ because _________ and my risk reaction is to ______________________. 

I think the medication I am on makes me tired because I have a hard time waking up in the morning and my risk reaction is to stop the medication.

I feel frustrated and angry because I don't have enough money to buy something I want and my risk reaction is to steal it.


What are consequences?

The outcome of your choice

Consequences can be good, bad, or neutral


Often, its not what you say that people pay attention to, its how you say it that makes a big impact. 

What are some non-verbal skills you can use when thinking about how you will do your plan?


Eye contact

Calm voice

Relaxed posture

Personal space "bubble"

Facial expressions


What are three kinds of warning signs?

Risky thoughts

Risky feelings

Physical Reactions


What does it mean to THINK

Reduce your risk by getting your feelings under control


Goals should be positive and realistic

Define what POSITIVE and REALISTIC goals mean

Positive: Something that doesn't hurt you or others, leads to a good outcome for you AND others

Realistic: Something you can make happen


A friend lent you their expensive new headphones. While you are using them you accidently drop and break them.

Brainstorm three choices you have in this situation.

apologize to your friend and offer to replace them

ghost your friend and never talk to them again

buy a pair you can afford to replace them and hope your friend doesn't notice the difference


After you have created a plan it is time to do it. What are the DO and EVALUATE steps?

Do it!

Ask questions about how it went

Decide what to do next


Why should we use problem solving skills? 

They will help you stay in control and stop the conflict cycle!


Name the three techniques you can use to think

Be quiet

Get space

Calm down


You are walking in the park and you see someone up ahead who is walking slowly with an unsteady gait and weaving back and forth on the sidewalk. 

You think to yourself "that person must be drunk." Is this a fact or opinion?


Facts: The person was walking slowly, the person was unsteady on their feet, the person was weaving back and forth on the sidewalk

Opinion: The person is drunk


A friend lent you their expensive new headphones. While you are using them you accidently drop and break them.

You brainstorm your choices and decide to ghost your friend and never talk to them again.

What are the potential consequences of this choice?


You lost that friend

You don't have to take responsibility for what you did

Other friends hear you are not trustworthy


What kinds of questions can you ask yourself to evaluate how it went?

Am I closer to my goal?

What parts of the plan worked best for me?

What parts of the plan worked best for others?


Share an example of a problem you have experienced and how the conflict cycle happened


Warning Signs




Talk about how to use the STOP and THINK skills in a real life problem situation

STOP: Physical reactions, risky thoughts, risky feelings

THINK: Be quiet, get space, calm down


Talk about how to use the STATE THE PROBLEM and SETTING A GOAL skills in a real life problem situation

I think/feel _______ because ________ and my risk reaction is to _________.

I want ________________, but I don't want ________________.


Talk about how to use the CHOICES and CONSEQUENCES skill in a real life problem situation

Brainstorm choices

Think about the consequences for each choice

Pick a choice to help you get to your goal


Talk about how to MAKE A PLAN and DO AND EVALUATE in a real life problem situation

Make a plan: Who, where, when, what you will do or say, how you will do or say it, decide on a thought to get you started

Do and evaluate: Do it, ask questions, decide what to do next