Problem-Solving Method
Creativity Techniques
Decision-Making and Critical Thinking

This problem-solving method involves breaking down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable parts.

What is decomposition?


This brainstorming technique encourages participants to generate as many ideas as possible without criticism.

What is “brainstorming”?


Question: This decision-making strategy involves listing the pros and cons of different options to determine the best course of action.

What is a “pros and cons list”?


This problem-solving approach emphasizes finding solutions by simulating the behavior of complex systems.

What is simulation?


This technique involves using random stimuli to trigger creative thinking and idea generation.

What is the “random word technique”?


This decision-making approach involves making choices based on what is most consistent with one’s values and long-term goals.

What is value-based decision-making?


This method involves generating multiple possible solutions to a problem and then evaluating their strengths and weaknesses.

What is the “multi-criteria decision analysis”?


This method involves deliberately exposing oneself to new experiences and ideas to stimulate creativity.

 What is “divergent thinking”?


This type of thinking involves analyzing information objectively and evaluating arguments for validity.

What is critical thinking?


This problem-solving technique involves looking for patterns or similarities between a current problem and previously encountered problems.

What is analogical reasoning?


This creativity technique involves deliberately setting aside time for relaxation or engaging in mindless activities to allow the mind to wander and make unexpected connections.

What is “mindfulness meditation”?


 This fallacy occurs when someone attacks the person making the argument rather than addressing the argument itself.

What is ad hominem?


: This method of problem-solving involves relying on intuition and “gut feelings” rather than systematic analysis.

What is heuristic reasoning?


This creativity technique involves combining seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts to generate novel solutions.

What is “idea combination”?


This cognitive bias involves overestimating the likelihood of rare events based on their availability in memory or recent exposure.

What is the availability heuristic?