
You are playing with your friend's toy and you accidentally drop it and break it. They yell "what did you do!" What should you do?

Explain that it was an accident, try to fix it or offer to get them a new one.

You are taking a test and there is no talking allowed. You are writing your answers and your pencil breaks. What could do you?
Raise your hand and wait until the teacher speaks with you

You rode the bus to school today and on the way in people are pointing and laughing at you. What do you do?

Ask them why they are laughing.

Ask them to stop.


Celeste keeps asking you to play but you don't want to. She won't leave you alone. How do you handle this?

Ask her for some time/space.

Let an adult know you want some space.

You accidentally broke your mom's picture frame when playing in the house. What do you do?
Explain that it was an accident and you would try better next time

You and your friend have been playing soccer every day at recess, but he tells you he wants to play something else today. What should you do?

Ask him what he wants to play.

Ask him if he wants to try a new game with you instead.

Find someone else to play soccer with you.

The teacher is giving directions, but your friend sitting next to you keeps talking. You can't hear the directions. What should you do?
Ask them quietly to be quiet and point out that its hard for you to hear over them, if not privately speak to the teacher afterward explaining the situation and getting the directions

You need help on a homework question but the teacher tells you to try it by yourself first, what do you do?

Do your best and turn in what you have.

Check your work after you try to complete


You were carrying juice back to the table and Logan knocked it out of your hands.  What do you do?

Ask Logan to help you clean it up

Let an adult know what happened

Tell Logan to be careful and clean up the spill.


You got in trouble at school today and think the teacher is going to call home to talk to your parents. What do you do?

Tell your parents first and be honest


You and your friend are playing a game and you both want to go first. What should you do?

Play rock paper scissors to determine who goes first. 

The person who went second last time can go first this time.


You don't want to use the bathroom at school because the toilet is dirty. What could you do?

If it REALLY bad, let a teacher know so the janitor can clean it

If it's not that dirty, use a paper towel to wipe the seat then wash your hands or try to use the bathroom without touching anything.

Ask if there is a different bathroom you can use 


You're doing an activity with a timer and the timer goes off indicating that you are out of time. What do you do?

Ask if you can have more time or end the activity and come back later/


You are trying to do your homework but Logan's video game is really loud. It's making it difficult for you to focus. What do you do?

Ask him nicely to turn it down or go somewhere else to do your homework


Your parents are busy but you want to show them something and talk to them. What do you do?

Ask them to look at you

Ask them if they have time to talk

Ask if they can talk after they finish their activity.


You notice your friend has been ignoring you. You did not do anything unkind, but you feel nervous to talk to him/her about it. What should you do?

Ask him if he wants to talk/play.

Ask him if everything is okay


You are playing with your friends but they are trying to hug you and you don't like it. What could you do?

Ask them to stop

Tell an adult if they don't stop

Go play somewhere else


Someone else wins the board game you really wanted to win. What do you do?

Ask to play again or play something else and save it for later


You need help from your parents, but they ask you to wait then they forget to come help you. What can you do?

Ask for help again when you notice they finished what they were doing.

Ask how many minutes until they can help you and set a timer.


Your friend always wants to be the one who chooses what game you will play. This is starting to frustrate you. What should you do?

Ask him if you can take turns choosing the activity.

Let him know you don't like playing __ and ask him to choose something else.


You are playing your favorite game on the phone but you need to go to the bathroom and you are worried you will run out of phone time. What could you do?

Take a break and go to the bathroom

Ask if you can pause the timer until you get back.


Celeste yells that she doesn't want to play a specific game. What do you do?

Ask if she wants to play something else. 

Find something else to play by yourself and invite her to play again later.


Mom said you can't use the phone this morning but now it's the afternoon and you want to use it. What should you do?

Ask her if you can use the phone

Ask her when you will be able to use the phone again


Logan keeps taking a turn when it is your turn to play. What could you do?

Tell him that it's your turn

Ask him to wait for you to take a turn