You're at a group activity, and everyone is talking about a TV show you've never seen. They start laughing at inside jokes. What can you do?
You could say, "I haven't seen that show, can you explain what's funny?" or "I'm not familiar with that show, but have you seen this new show ____?" or just listen and observe.
Your bus is late, and you're going to be late for your appointment. What can you do?
Call your appointment to let them know you'll be late, find an alternative route if possible, or wait patiently.
You're trying to explain something, but the other person doesn't understand. What can you do?
Try explaining it in a different way, use visual aids/ hand gestures, or ask them what they don't understand.
Your friend is consistently late when you make plans. What can you do?
You could say, "I've noticed you're often late. Can we talk about why that is?" or "I'd appreciate it if you could be on time. When you're late, it makes me feel like I am not important enough for you."
You go to use your favorite mug, and it's broken. What can you do?
You could use a different mug, try to fix the broken mug, or buy a new mug.
You're waiting in line for a movie, and someone accidentally bumps into you and doesn't apologize. What can you do?
You could say, "Excuse me," or "Please be careful," or if it was hard enough to cause pain, "That hurt, please be more careful."
You planned to cook dinner, but you realize you're missing a key ingredient. What can you do?
Substitute another ingredient, order takeout, or make a different meal with what you have.
You're in a noisy environment, and you can't hear what someone is saying. What can you do?
Ask them to repeat themselves, move to a quieter area, or ask them to write it down.
Your roommate leaves their dirty dishes in the sink every day. What can you do?
You could say, "Could we work out a schedule for cleaning the dishes?" or "It would be helpful if you could clean your dishes after using them."
You realize you've locked your keys inside your apartment. What can you do?
You could call a locksmith, contact your landlord or building manager, or if you have a spare key hidden, retrieve it.
During a group project, one person keeps interrupting you and changing your ideas. What can you do?
You could say, "I'd like to finish my thought," or "Let's make a list of everyone's ideas and then decide," or "Could we take turns speaking, please?"
Your favorite shirt is dirty, and you need it for an important event. What can you do?
Wash it quickly, find a similar shirt, or wear something else that is appropriate.
You have been given instructions for a task, but they are very confusing. What can you do?
Ask for clarification, write down the steps, or ask for a demonstration.
A family member is constantly criticizing your choices. What can you do?
You could say, "I understand you have opinions, but I need you to respect my decisions," or "I'd prefer if you didn't criticize my choices."
You're working on a computer, and it suddenly freezes. What can you do?
You could try restarting the computer, check for error messages, or ask for help from someone who is tech-savvy.
You see someone you know from a club, but you can't remember their name. What can you do?
You could say, "Hi, it's nice to see you again," or "How have you been?" or if you are in a situation where you must know their name, "I am having trouble remembering names today, could you remind me of yours?".
Your phone battery is dead, and you need to contact someone. What can you do?
Find a charger, borrow someone's phone, or use a public phone if available.
Someone is using sarcasm, and you are having trouble understanding if they are being serious. What can you do?
Ask them directly, "Are you being serious?" or "I'm having trouble understanding if you are being sarcastic."
You are having trouble trusting a new person in your life. What can you do?
You can take time to get to know them, openly communicate your concerns, or set clear boundaries.
You are paying for your groceries at the self-checkout. You swipe your debit card, and the machine says, "Payment declined". What can you do?
Check your bank balance or try a different payment method. If those fail, ask a store employee for help.
You are at a party, and someone begins to tell a joke that you find offensive. What can you do?
You could politely say, "I don't find that joke funny," or excuse yourself from the conversation, or if you feel comfortable, explain why the joke is offensive.
There is a loud and unexpected construction noise outside of your apartment, and it is making it impossible to concentrate on your work. What can you do?
Use noise-canceling headphones, move to a quieter location, or contact the construction company to inquire about the noise level.
You're trying to explain a complex idea to someone, and they keep interrupting you before you can finish your thought. What can you do?
You could politely say, "Could you please let me finish my thought?" or "I'd like to explain this fully. Can we hold questions until the end?" or you could also say, "I have a lot of information to give you, and I am afraid I will forget some of it if I am interrupted."
You feel like your friend isn't listening to you when you talk about your feelings. What can you do?
You could say, "I feel like you're not hearing me. Can we find a way to communicate better?" or "I need you to listen actively when I share my feelings because I am being vulnerable with you right now and it is difficult."
You're trying to assemble a piece of furniture, and the instructions are missing or unclear. What can you do?
Search online for assembly videos or instructions, try to figure it out by looking at the pictures, or ask someone for help.