School Situations
Home Situations
Coping Skills

You are taking a test and your peer behind you asks you for help. He wants to know what you put for question number two. What could you do?

Ignore peer because talking may be prohibited during tests/exams. 


You wake up late for school. Tell us what you think might happen after. 

Arrive late to school, get marked tardy for class which impacts attendance record, and miss part of class/instruction.


Someone is tapping your shoulder during class and it is annoying you. Act out what you can tell your peer if this happens.

"Please stop that." or "Please don't do that." 


You have to give a presentation but you really don’t want to. How would you feel? What coping skill can you try when you feel this way?

Grounding exercises, deep breathing, counting to 10, and positive self-talk.


You are told by your teacher to stop talking but you weren’t the one talking. Tell us what you think you should do and why.

Teachers are human too and sometimes they make mistakes! It's important to remain respectful and have a positive attitude when this happens. I can remain quiet or gently inform the teacher I was not the one talking.


A sibling is annoying you and your parents aren’t around. Give three options for how you can handle this situation. 

Kindly ask your sibling to stop doing what is annoying you. Kindly ask your sibling for space. Walk away from the situation.

A friend introduces you to a friend of theirs. Act out how you can respond!

Introduce yourself by saying "hello/hi, my name is _". Invite them to participate in a game or conversation.


Your teacher assigns a big project and you feel overwhelmed. What coping skill can you try when you feel this way?

It can be helpful to breakdown the project into smaller goals. It can also be helpful to try deep breathing, positive self-talk, or asking for help.


The teacher is giving directions, but your friend sitting next to you keeps talking. You can't hear the directions. What can you do?

Gently ask your friend to stop talking by saying something like "I am having a hard time listening to the directions, let's talk later." or "Please stop talking, I am trying to listen to the teacher right now."


Your parent asked you to complete a chore and you forgot to. Tell what you think you should do and explain why.

It happens! It can be helpful to start with an apology and make a plan to complete the chore.


It was your friend’s birthday yesterday and you forgot. Tell us why this is important and how you can respond.

For some friends, birthdays can be meaningful and can feel hurt/disappointed when others forget. One way we can make up for it is by saying "I am sorry I forgot it was your birthday yesterday. Our friendship means a lot to me. Happy belated birthday!"

Someone was mean to you at school. How would you feel? What coping skills can you use?

Upset, sad, hurt, embarrassed, annoying, and/or angry.

Deep breathing, positive self-talk, using a fidget, and talking with a friend.


You are at recess and a peer says an inappropriate comment to you such as swearing or name calling. Give three options for how you can handle the situation. 

1. Walk away and leave the situation.

2. Stand up for yourself - "I do not want to be called that." "Please don't call me that."

3. Report the behavior to the teacher and staff on duty.


You hear your parents arguing and it's upsetting you. What could you do?

If you can, go to another place or somewhere you feel safe and secure. Listen to music with your headphones or talk to someone you trust about how you feel.


There is a guy in your class who is always mean to you. He always bumps you when he walks by and he calls you names. He knocks stuff out of your hands and makes you feel stupid. You don't think you can take it anymore. What could you do?

Report the behavior to the teacher or trusted adult. This is a case of bullying and is important to have a trusted adult involved to intervene and address the bullying. 


You try out for a sport team you want to join and do not make the team. How would you feel? What coping skills could you use?

Disappointed, sad, jealous, discouraged, and/or excluded.

Write about how you feel or talk to someone you trust about how you feel. Do an activity that is calming or soothing like going on a walk, asking your parent to take you on a drive/for icecream.