What is a cause of water pollution?
Farmers using fertilisers/sewage/industrial waste/oil spills/anything that causes water pollution
Which ocean has the most fish?
The Pacific Ocean
What makes ocean acidification worse?
The more hydrogen ions there are, the more acidic the water becomes
What is habitat destruction?
Habitat destruction is the process of removing or damaging the natural environment of plants and animals
Which regions are most affected by water pollution?
East Asia/The Pacific/The Middle East/North Africa/ South Asia/Europe
What is overfishing?
When fishes are killed at a faster rate than they can reproduce
How to prevent ocean acidification?
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions/Limiting nutrient pollution/Conserving water
What causes habitat destruction?
Human activities like agriculture, logging, and overgrazing are major causes of habitat destruction. Climate change can also contribute to habitat destruction by making habitats too hot or flooding coastal areas.
What are some methods to prevent water pollution?
Reduce plastic/Conserve water/Dispose of items responsibly/anything that relates to the solutions
What is a marine protected area?
It is an area where all fishing activities are prohibited
How is climate change related to ocean acidification?
Climate change and ocean acidification are caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that drives climate change, and the ocean absorbs a large portion of it. This absorption process causes the ocean to become more acidic, which is known as ocean acidification.
What are the effects of habitat destruction?
How do we detect water pollution?
Laboratory analysis/Remote sensing/Monitoring the behaviour of living organisms
Approximately how many percent of the Earth's waters are available for drinking?
Less than 1%
How can habitat destruction be prevented?
Marine protected areas (MPAs) can help protect habitats by regulating human activities in certain areas. Replanting trees, cleaning up garbage, and reducing boat traffic in sensitive areas can also help.
How does ocean pollution affect the sea animals living in it?
What is the definition of the word bycatch?
Catching sea life that you weren't aiming to catch
How do scientists measure ocean acidification?
Scientists measure ocean acidification by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide in the water, the pH of the water, or both. They use a variety of instruments and techniques to collect data from the ocean.
How does habitat destruction affect the environment?
Increases erosion/Reduces the nutrient levels in terrestrial ecosystems/Anything related