What do you do when you want to talk in class?
Raise your hand and wait for Mrs. Brewer to call on you.
How do we enter the room?
Quietly (less than a Level 1), follow the directions Mrs. Brewer gave before entering, wait at desk patiently until Mrs. Brewer is ready.
How many days will you have to complete late work?
How do you know what you should be working on?
Check the board.
Where do we go for a tornado drill?
Mrs. Bayliss's room
How do you show respect for others people's things?
Mrs. Brewer will tell you if she thinks you are correct.
Should you come up to Mrs. Brewer while she's getting kids in and out of the room and she's still standing in the doorway?
Where can you find your homework if you don't have your paper checklist?
Canvas and Parent Square
Where do you turn in papers?
The black trays unless Mrs. Brewer says differently.
What do we do for a lockdown drill?
Silently walk to cubbies, sit silently, keep hands to self, make sure we can't be seen.
Lower your voice or stop talking.
What do you need for math class?
Chromebook, blue folder (homework and checklist), binder, math books, pencil
Where can you turn in late work?
Mrs. Brewer's desk or front table
How can you sharpen your pencil?
Stand by the sharpener and wait for Mrs. Brewer to say yes. Sharpen it during work time without asking. Raise your pencil to ask for permission.
Where do we go for a fire drill?
Turn left and go out the doors. Walk to the gate and turn around.
How many times will Mrs. Brewer ring the doorbell before she takes off 2 (welcome to 2nd sememter) minutes of recess?
Where can you find pencils, erasers, and bandaids?
White cart
Where could you find extra copies of papers?
Red tray
Should you come up to Mrs. Brewer during transition times to ask a question or share something?
No. If you need her, sit at your desk, raise your hand, and wait for her to call on you.
If you're the last person out for a fire drill, what 2 things do you need to do?
Turn off lights and prop open the door.
What does Mrs. Brewer expect from you while she's teaching?
Not talking, paying attention, having proper materials, doing work, not distracting peers, not drawing/doodling/reading, head up and facing front.
Where do you put your Dojo dot?
Small black trays #3
What 2 things should be on every paper?
Name and either class number (Brewer's class) ot teacher's letter.
When can you ask to use the restroom?
Before or after the lesson.
Sit silently under our desks.