This rule asks students to treat others and their belongings with consideration.
What is "Be respectful"
When students should begin packing up at the end of class.
What is "When Mrs. Thrift says, 'Pack up, clean up, line up'"?
The place where students should leave their backpacks when they enter the classroom.
What is "Level one"?
The first step in the classroom behavior management process.
What is "a warning"?
The acronym BRET stands for these daily classroom activities.
What are "Bellringers and Exit Tickets"?
This rule ensures that students take care of their personal items and complete their assignments.
What is "Be responsible"?
The amount of time students have to get unpacked and ready for class after arriving.
What is "2 minutes"?
The location where students turn in their daily papers.
What is "the wire basket"
The consequence of reaching the third step in the behavior process.
What is "lunch detention and parent contact"?
The consequence of disrupting or cheating during a test or quiz.
What is "a grade of zero"?
This rule encourages students to avoid physical and emotional harm in the classroom.
What is "Be safe"?
This consequence occurs if a student is not ready within the 2-minute time frame at the start of class.
What is "lunch detention"?
The procedure for borrowing a pencil from the classroom supply.
What is "Write name, return after use "?
The appropriate steps to take if a student needs help but Mrs. Thrift is busy.
What is "Take a number and wait"?
This is how students should behave during a lab activity.
What is "Follow directions, listen, and no horseplay"?
This rule promotes kindness and empathy towards classmates and teachers.
What is "Be caring"?
This device announces class transitions, bathroom breaks, and pack-up time.
What is "Alexa"?
Which Chromebook you can use.
What is "Only your assigned device"?
The number of behavior steps before a student may receive a referral.
What is "five"?
The action students must take immediately when the doorbell rings in the classroom.
What is "Freeze and listen"?
The four key rules in Mrs. Thrift’s classroom that guide student behavior.
What are "Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible, and Be caring"?
The correct procedure for leaving the classroom when the bell rings.
What is "Line up quietly"?
How should headphones be stored?
What is "Wrap cords neatly"?
The appropriate action when using the classroom stairs.
What is "No running, no jumping"?
The rule regarding sharpening pencils during class time.
What is "Not while talking or teaching "?