Safety First
Behavior Management
Lost Child

If a child falls off the dock or seawall, is conscious and the water level is not too high for them to stand (and they are able to), this should happen next.

What is directing them to walk to the stairs or ladder to come out of the water?


The 2 programs we are committed to using at Nature School to guide and respond to student behavior.

What is Responsive Classroom and Conscious Discipline?


A thunderstorm is rolling in, but so far it's just storm clouds and rain, and no thunder or lightening observed. Your class is at the rope swing. What should you do?

What is move closer to indoor shelter like the outdoor classroom, the pavilions, or other space relatively close to indoor space?


The first step when a child is assumed lost is...

What is do a head count, scan the area, and call out child's name?

This many students can be in the crows nest in the Alby Den at the same time and their bodies should be in this position. 

What is 3 students and sitting?

For hourly employees, time sheets need to be filled out and turned in by this time on this day of the pay week. Katie is nice and will track you down or fill it out for you so you get paid, but she prefers not to. Mary Joe really wants your names on them (legibly) and your hours added up. 

What is Tuesday by 3pm?


Our behavior management flow chart lists these 3 things as important when responding to student misbehavior. 

What is tone, language, and caring?


If a tornado warning is issued, take shelter here.

The inside changing stalls of the girls bathhouse, or the inside toilet stalls furthest from windows.


The class is sitting together, no one has seen the child, and there has been no response to calling out their name so this is the next step. 

What is press and hold the emergency alert button on the side of the radio. Once the alert stops sounding, send a message over the radio of the location of the last sighting of the missing student.


When students go for a walk on the dock they should do these 2 things. 

What is use walking feet and keep feet on the dock, not climbing the railing?

In the case of an active intruder threat this is the phrase said over the radio, these are the 3 secure locations to try to get you and your students to, and this is what you do if you cannot make it to those locations. 

What is Code Blue and the lodge, the bathhouse, and the maintenance building and shelter in place, or depending on location, head to Styron Tree Service, or (if close to lodge) head to big blue house at 175 Gales Shore Circle belonging to the Hendersons. 


Kicking, hitting, pushing, shoving, with no marks left, are examples of teacher or admin managed behaviors?

What are teacher managed behaviors?


When thunder and lightening are happening preschool should shelter here and lower school here.

What is in the dining hall and in their cabins?

Staff meet in this location to begin the missing child search. 

What is the dining hall?


No matter how low the tide is everyone must wear one of these in the sound, have these on their feet, and have this person with them.  

What is a life jacket, closed toe shoes, and an adult?


In case of fire, sound this device and move to one of these 4 spots, furthest from the fire. 

What is the airhorn and the parking lot by the lodge, parking lot by the dining hall, parking lot/driveway by maintenance building, and grassy area by camp entrance?


The 4 responses from Responsive Classroom that we utilize to respond to misbehavior in place of punishment, in order to make things right and address misbehavior are...

What are logical consequences, apology of action, loss of privilege, take a break? 

If a waterspout is observed in the far distance, after everyone moves closer to watch it, the more safety conscious thing to do would be to...

What is move near indoor space and away from the water?


As an area is cleared or when a child is found, the information will be shared via this device. 

What is the radio?


Preschool students must have these people with them to go to the bathroom. Lower School must have these people with them to go to the bathroom. 

What is preschool: a buddy and a teacher? What is lower school: a buddy (2 buddies at teacher's discretion depending on age and distance from bathroom). 


If a child is seriously injured, the teacher should do the following 3 things (while one teacher is performing first aid/cpr): 

What is call 911, notify the NS director, and move the rest of the class away from injured child. 


Minor behaviors repeated this many times in a week means a behavior becomes admin handled. 

What is 3 times?


If there is a 1 hour delay issued by the public school system, we will start at this time. If there is a 2 hour delay, we will start at this time. If there is an early dismissal for inclement weather we will follow this procedure. 

What is 9am, 10am, and continue til 12pm unless the release is before 12pm in which case we will follow suit. 


After this amount of time has passed 911 and emergency services will be notified.

What is 20 minutes?


Katie strongly prefers rules and directions to be stated this way conveying this kind of information the majority of the time. 

What is positively stated and describing to students what they need to do, not what they are not supposed to be doing?