What should you do if you are struggling to complete an assignment, even though you are trying your very best?
Ask for help from either Mrs. Warren or a classmate.
When and how should you access the classroom library?
The library can be accessed when you finish your work. Treat all items with respect and put things back where you found them.
When is it appropriate to ask to go to the Health Room?
If you are feeling very sick or you are injured.
What should you do if you have a question when the teacher is doing small groups?
Be an independent thinker and try to problem solve on your own!
Explain what the JUNE box is.
The JUNE box is where anything goes that you are using in class that is not allowed.
What should you do with work that you haven't finished?
Keep it in your binder under unfinished work - continue to work on it when there is time.
What should you do first thing in the morning once you arrive?
Unpack, fill out planner and follow directions on the board.
How should you respond if you hear the fire alarm?
Line up immediately and follow directions from the teacher.
Name 2 things that will make you a good member of the group during a group project or group work.
Answers will vary
When and how should you use the Chill Out Pass?
If you need a break - walk two laps around the courtyard.
Explain what happens with your work if you are absent.
Even if you are absent, you must complete the work. You will have one week to get it turned in.
When can you get water or use the bathroom?
Any time that is not whole group learning
What are the FOUR consequences if you don’t follow the school or classroom rules?
1. Redirect
2. Sideline
3. Think Time
4. Letter Home
What will the Mrs. Warren do if she needs you to get quiet?
Ring doorbell or say Give Me 5
How should you handle yourself if someone knocks on the door or the teacher gets a phone call?
Quietly answer the door - but everyone keeps working. If I get a phone call you immediately take your voices to a WHISPER.
What will happen if you turn in work that is not complete or is not your best work?
You will get the work back to complete
What do you do if you finish your work BEFORE the timer runs out?
Follow directions on the board where it says DONE
Name 2 ways you could be responsible and respectful in the lunchroom.
Answer varies: quiet, clean up mess, follow directions, etc.
Explain what to do with your planner and why you take them home.
Fill out planner every morning with what we are doing for the day. It is important to take them home so your family can see what we have done and read any notes I may put in there.
How should you act when at Specialist?
Follow the rules and expectations of the Specialist teacher.
What happens if you are talking or cheating during a test or quiz?
You will receive a 0 and a letter home.
What are our FIVE class rules?
1. Listen & follow directions
2. Use Hand Signals
3. Stay on task
4. Keep your hands & feet to yourself
5. Respect your classmates, school and teacher
Name 2 things you need to remember when you are walking through the hallways.
1. Voices are ALWAYS zero
2. Keep hands to yourself
3. Face forward.
What are the rules with flexible seating?
Once you have picked your spot to work - you must stay there - no wandering!
What happens if you are not using your laptop responsibly in class?
You will receive a letter home and your laptop will be taken away until further notice.