What is the voice level in the hallway
What is .. 0
What voice level should you be at when entering the classroom?
What is ... 0
Where should your feet be?
What is on the ground
Where should your attention be when instructional time is being given?
What is the teacher
Where in the classroom can you check to see what voice level you should be on ?
What is ... ?
What side of the hallway do you want on walk on?
What is .. Right
What is the first thing you should do when entering the classroom
What is ... Read the board for instructions for the day
How should you always be sitting at your desk
What is straight up, fully engaged to the teacher
What voice level should you be at when the teacher is giving instructional time?
How and where do you turn in work?
What is materials manager gathers the work and turns it into the appropriate bin
Where should you always be faced at all times
What is .. Faced forward
Where do your backpacks go?
What is lockers
What is allowed at your desk besides your materials?
What is a water bottle to keep you hydrated
What do you do when you have a question?
What is raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged
What day is homework due?
What is friday
What should the line not contain while walking in the hallway?
What is ... Gaps
Who should be getting materials for their group?
What is materials manager
How should you always keep your desk?
Clean and organized
What should you be when instructional time is happening?
What is fully engaged and quiet
When do you get up from you desk?
What is when the teacher acknowledges you and gives you permission to level your desk
Do you continue to walk without your teachers permission?
What is ... No
How many people should be up getting materials out of the entire class?
What is 4
What should never be down while sitting at your desk?
What is your head
What should not be down while the teacher has the floor?
What is your head
Where can you look at in the classroom if you need a reminder of classroom rules or expectations
What is ... (point at it)