Be Responsible

You should do this FIRST (if need be) after hanging up your book bag.

What is get breakfast? 


What are our 5 classroom rules?

What is...

1. Keep our classroom neat and clean.

2. Listen and follow directions.

3. Always try your best.

4. Be prepared. 

5. Respect yourself and others.


This is what you should do when it is time to leave from lunch.

What is clean up your area, table, and floor?


This is what you should do if you have a question during class?

What is raise your hand and wait to be called on?


What you should do after you borrow a pencil, highlighter, marker, eraser, glue stick, etc.

What is put it back in the drawer where you got it?


This is where your chromebook should be when not in use.

What is inside my desk?


This is how you can show responsibility using your chromebooks. 

What is charge your chromebook each night?


This is the sound that signals that is time for you to come in from recess. 

What is siren? 


This is when you should follow directions.

What is the first time they are given?


This is what tells you that I want you to stop what you are doing and look to me.

What is classroom door bell?


This is how you should enter into the classroom each morning.

What is quietly?


This is how you show responsibility in the hallway.

What is walk calmly and quietly along the side of the hall? 


This is how you should line up for lunch and recess.

What is in a single file line and silent?


This is what will happen if you receive a fourth checkmark. 

What is parent contact?


This is what you do when turning in work.

What is double check your work and make sure your name, date, and number is on the top of both sides of your paper?


This is what you should do to make your lunch choice. 

What is move your magnet?


This is how you show responsibility in Ms. Morgan's classroom library. 

What is read it, love it, return it/check-out or check-in book.


This is what you should do when you are talking to your friends at lunch.

What is talk in your inside voice to the friends sitting near you?


This is what you should do if you are an earlier finisher.

What is read, finish any unfinished work, practice cursive writing.


This is how you ask to use the restroom.

What is by raising 2 crossed fingers?


These are the 6 things you should do after you hang up your book bag and get breakfast.

What is unpack your stuff, make your lunch choice, get out any signed papers you need to return, check mailbox, check that you have at least TWO sharpened pencils, and start working with your table group on your STEM Bin?


This is how to show responsibility when asking to leave the classroom?

What is ask permission using the correct hand signal, place the correct cone on the desk that tells me where you are, sign the sign out sheet BEFORE AND AFTER leaving the room?


This is something Ms. Morgan absolutely does not want you to bring to her while at recess. 

What is drama?


This is what you should do when your teacher is talking.

What is head up, eyes on me, and listen?


This is what you should do when it is time to switch classes.

What is clean up quickly and quietly, bring all materials, line up inside the classroom and walk out into the hall, and and line up alongside the book bags?