This is where you go to when you arrive at school in the morning (before the 8:00am bell)
Gym for Assembly
Name 2 ways you can show responsibility in the classroom
*Be on-time
*have all classroom materials prepared for the day
*be on-task
*use the restroom at appropriate times
*follow teacher's directions
This is what you should do when you need a fork, napkin, etc.
Show your correct sign language signal to the adult on lunch duty.
This is what you should do if you want to say something during class.
Raise your hand and wait to be called on
A student went into your backpack and took your BRAND NEW BAG of Takis so you tackle them and wrangle the bag of chips from their hands.
Find an adult and let us fix it!
True or False. The smart board is not important to read in the morning.
This is how you can show responsibility in the hallways
*Stay to the right side of the hall
*Hands to yourself
*4 S's - Silent - Straight - Still - Smiling
If a ball goes over the fence, jump the fence and run after it-even if it is into traffic.
FALSE...please do not even try this.
This is when you should follow directions.
The first time they are given.
It is okay to ask for the directions to be repeated if you do not hear clearly or do not understand but it is not okay for you to ignore what you know you should or should not do.
This is what you should do if you miss school.
Ask ALL of your teachers what you missed and be sure to also ask for help if you do not explain the lesson you missed.
The voice level you should be at during the announcements.
Zero Voice Level
These are 3 ways you can show responsibility in the library
Be quiet when entering.
Find your seat and place your library book under your chair when you sit down.
Show Mrs. Atkins respect when she is speaking by looking at her and keeping your head up.
This is how you should line up for lunch and recess.
4 S's - Silent - Straight - Still - Smiling
*Smiling is optional but I sure do love to see your smiles!
This is what will happen if you receive more than three tardies between classes (2nd through 6th hour)
You will have lunch and recess detention (both)
Who has it better than Roblyer?
Give me 3 ways you can show responsibility in the cafeteria.
Stay in your seat.
Ask to go to the bathroom.
Talk, don't yell, at your friends.
No throwing food.
Only out of seat to throw food away.
When do you know it is time to line up after recess?
Where do you go?
When the whistle blows and with your homeroom (4th hour) class.
This is what you should do when you are not sure of what to do.
This is how you ask to use the restroom.
Raise your restroom sign language signal.
TRUE or FALSE: Morning assembly is the time you should speak during the announcements.
The morning assembly is for the pledge of Allegiance, announcements, Moment of Silence, and our school pledge
Give 3 ways you can show responsibility with the bathroom.
ask permission
return to room quickly (no running!)
flush the toilet (nobody wants to see it)
wash hands with soap
throw paper towels in the trash can, not the toilet
The speed and voice level we get to the lunch area should be 100MPH.
This is what you should do when your teacher is talking.
Voices off and eyes on the teacher.
When the doorbell rings, what should you do?
Lower your voice and look at the teacher.