When you come into class, what is the first thing you look for and begin working on?
What is the Warm Up?
When we have a fire drill in this class, where do we meet?
What is the grill?
If the teacher says "Class", we say ______
What is yes?
What do you need to bring to class everyday instead of your textbook?
What is a book or magazine?
4 per 9 weeks
What is number of bathroom breaks allowed in class?
When Mrs. Gray wants the groups to stop talking and listen to directions, she will play this instrument.
What is the slide whistle?
If we have an evacuation drill, where do we meet?
What is the yellow seats in the bleachers of the football field?
What is her bag?
Why do we need earbuds in this class?
What is to listen to stories on the Chromebook?
You earn it!
What is the barber chair?
When we move into group work. We ________ up our desks so we won't hurt the floor.
What is "Pick Up our desks"?
Early in the morning, lunch, and right before school gets out are not scheduled times for a ______.
What is fire drill?
If you are handing in your homework and the teacher calls a #, what does that mean?
What is that # takes us his/her row of homework?
What does "in lieu of" mean?
What is "instead of"?
Hoodie or Jacket
What is what you bring to class because it may be really cold?
When class is over, we give Mr. Roberts and Mrs. Gray a ________.
What is a fist bump?
If we have a tornado drill, where do we go?
What is the pit?
If you want to say something or ask a question in class, what do you do first?
What is "raise my hand."
If there is a class disruption such as a phone call, visitor, or emergency, what do you do?
What is read my book?
This sound is for the teachers, not the students.
When we miss a day of school. Where do we look for missing handouts?
What is the blue box?
If we are ever in a dangerous situation with an armed person trying to hurt us, we should ADD. What do those initials stand for?
What is Avoid, Deny, Defend?
Today is important so...
What is "Make it Count!"
Vocabulary, Notes, Grammar, Writing, Returned Work
What are the different sections needed in my notebook?
The turkey or the snail.
What we can't give Mrs. Gray as we leave class.