Safety & Schedule
The must be completed at the beginning of a job by the operation team for use by NSMS. (It is forwarded to the Ops Mgr for review and approval then uploaded to shared W drive)
Has an initial project data report been prepared?
This form should be provided to trade contractors with all change requests, so that they can return their quotes, diversity participation and schedule changes on this document.
What is the RFQ form?
All trade contractors must submit this to Gilbane at the end of their work day, describing activities completed and number of workers on site.
What is Trade Contractor Daily Report?
All field team members are required to complete these inspections, and PX's must complete at least one of these each month.
What are Safety Inspections?
This plan describes the closeout process and is developed by the Gilbane team early in the project - addressing how the project will be closed out, listing roles and responsibilities matrix.
What is a Finish Strong Plan?
Upon project award, this must be completed by the PX with the PIC, OM, BDM, Controller and BU Leader.
What is the Risk Assessment?
All change management information, including allowance tracking, should be managed in this database.
What is CMiC?
A type of insurance certificate naming Gilbane and trade contractors as additional insured, to be used in case of theft or damage to building during construction.
What is Builder's Risk?
The trade contractors will complete these forms and then review the information with the workers prior to shift start. This signed document will then be submitted to Gilbane daily.
What are Safety Task Assignments?
This should document be prominently displayed on the project meeting room wall and referred to during meetings to keep all team members focused on completing the project when it needs to be done.
What is the project schedule?
Each project is required to enter a 'Value Add' activity in this database at least 4 times/year.
What is the Lessons Learned Database?
The process to obtain owner authorization for changes to trade contractors that are already included in Gilbane's budget. (e.g. BEA – Budget Expenditure Authorization or transfer of allowances).
What is an In-Scope Change approval process?
This log must include all current and historical drawings as well as who they were distributed to. Show which drawings have been issued to which bid packages through the life of the project. This should also include sketches.
What is the contract drawing log?
There should only be one of these to manage the project timeline.
What is the CPM schedule?
This should document be prominently displayed on the project meeting room wall and referred to during meetings to keep all team members focused on completing the project when it needs to be done.
What is the read file?
This must be applied for, obtained and posted on the project site prior to starting construction activities.
What is a building permit?
This document should be generated out of CMiC, and provided to the owner on a monthly basis, to allow for understanding of cost spent and forecasted.
What is Project Financial Forecast (cost report)?
Superintendents typically complete this report on a daily basis, indicating the number of workers on site and activities completed.
What is the Master Daily Report?
All field jobsites should prominently display this on their meeting room wall, to show the current status of the project.
What is the project schedule?
Superintendents are to review these trade contractor documents on a monthly basis, to ensure that information is accurate at the end of the project.
What is the as-built drawing review?
All projects should be tracking the percentage of the initial contract amounts awarded - and subsequent change orders - that are allocated to this 'diverse' group.
What is M/WBE participation tracking?
Gilbane requires a properly executed change authorization (ATP or OCO) from the owner prior to proceeding with this type of work.
What is Out of Scope change order work?
Written direction which states who on the owners side, are authorized to provide direction and sign off on changes.
What is owner signing authority?
This information should be transmitted to your owner in writing each month, to advise of schedule status.
What is detailed schedule analysis? (monthly variance, float analysis, recovery plan)
Each Project shall have an independent review of this building component, regardless of delivery method used. The scope of said services will be developed during the design phase when the building roof, skin and foundation conditions are being developed, or at the time we receive D/D level documents under a LS,CM Agency, or PM type delivery.
What is a third-party building envelope review?