True or False
The PROcrastinator

True or False? To avoid something is to stay away from it.



What would Noodle say? It's perfectly okay to leave your responsibilities until the last minute, so you can play video games with your friend. Yes or No?

No! Our responsibilities always come first, then we can do the things we like to do, like play video games.


In Frozen, why did Elsa procrastinate telling Anna about her powers?

She was worried the people of Arendelle wouldn't accept her and that others may try and harm her.  


True or False? Consequences are what causes something to happen.

False. Consequences are the results of actions.


What would Noodle say? If something takes less than _______ minutes to do, you should do it right away.



In UP, why did Carl Fredrickson procrastinate leaving his house and getting back into the world?

He didn't have any motivation after his wife, Ellie Fredrickson, died. 

True or False? Procrastination is doing all of your responsibilities, on time, when you are supposed to do them. 

False. Procrastination putting off your responcibilities to a later time.


At first Noodle was procrastinating and not feeding his _____ when he was supposed to. What did Noodle learn?

Noodle was procrastinating and not feeding his cat. Noodle learned how important it is to feed and take care of your pets.


In Encanto? Why did Mirabel's dad, Augustin, procrastinate telling Abuela about Bruno's vision?

Augustin was worried that Abuela would be upset with Mirabel and think that the vision was Mirabel's fault.


True or False? Other people are accountable for your own responsibilities.

False. You have to be accountable for YOUR responsibilities.


What would Noodle say if you got homework and left it until the last minute, past your bedtime, to do it?

Noodle would say, that is procrastinating, and you should do any homework you have at the time you are supposed to do it.


In Big Hero 6, why did Hiro procrastinate telling Aunt Cass about his plan to find the person who stole his microbots?

He was worried Aunt Cass would stop him from doing what he wanted to do.


True or False? To do something efficiently, is to do something very slowly.

False. To do something efficiently, is to do something as fast as you can, and in the best way possible.

What would Noodle say? If your mom says it's your responsibility to take out the trash every day, then you should do it _______ ____.

Every day.


In Soul, why did 22 procrastinate connecting with mentors so she could get her Earth pass?

She was overwhelmed with how much stuff goes on, on Earth.