What is procrastination?
The act of unnecessary delay. Putting things off that need to be done.
Why do we procrastinate?
It is not something we want to do, it is boring, ect.
What emotions can cause us to procrastinate?
anxiety, boredom, frustration, and overwhelmed
Give an example of a time you procrastinated. What was the reason you procrastinated?
Answers Vary.
What does procrastination cause in your academic life?
Procrastination causes academic issues like low grades.
Give an example of procrastination.
Answers Vary
First step to overcoming procrastination?
Admit you're procrastinating!
Give an example of a common rationalization and excuse that your mind makes to procrastinate.
"I'll feel like it tomorrow", "I work better under pressure", "I'm too tired and i'll have more energy tomorrow" "It's too late to start now".
Why can having too much time cause you to procrastinate?
Because you will always say that you will do the task later. You do not feel that there is a deadline.
How does procrastination affect your personal life?
Procrastination puts a strain on your relationships (friends, family etc)
What are two consequences of procrastination?
issues relating to: mental and physical health, achieving goals, financial well being.
Why is willpower not always effective to overcome procrastination?
it is not reliable, depends intent, motivation, mood, or circumstances (peers can say any of these)
Fill in the gap:
Procrastination is about_____, not productivity.
This is a feeling you have when there is too much to do and it feels like things are piling up. You may have so much to do that you do not know where to start.
Feeling overwhelmed
How does procrastination affect your potential?
Procrastination might make it so you miss out on oppourtitines
What is an anxious procrastinator?
When someone puts off a task that causes them anxiety.
What change can you make to overcome procrastination?
Adjust your enviornment
What are 2 benefits of mindfulness?
raises awareness, allows us to act regardless of emotion, makes us more self-compassionate, improves self-control, tune out distractions
When you do not have any interest in a task it can make you feel _______.
How does procrastination affect your ability to overcome difficulties?
Procrastination may delay you in getting help
Procrastination can cause ___________.
You make your self accountable by....
A Written Checklist
Having a routine
What are some ways to beating procrastination?
Answers vary
How do you feel when there is too much to do and you feel you may never catch up.
Feel behind
How does procrastination affect your time management?
Procrastination can cause you to miss deadlines.