OnShape is what kind of program?
(hint: CAD)
Computer Aided Design Program
What kind of material do we 3D print with?
PLA or Plastic
What is the difference between Laser Cutting and Laser Engraving?
Laser Cutting goes through the material all the way.
Laser Engraving burns the top surface.
What is a test of version of your design called?
The Laser uses a high power beam of light and C02 to burn through material.
What tool would you use to trace a drawing out in Onshape.
Spline or Line tool
Why does the 3D Printer heat up?
to melt the plastic
What is a laser made of?
High Powered Light and/or C02
What is the 3D printing material called?
The 3D printer carves out 3d models layer by layer to form an object
What tool stretches out 2d Shapes into 3D parts?
Explain how to get your 3D model onto the 3D printer?
- Upload your model into the 3D Printing Program (Slicer/Cura).
- Change Settings
- Upload the Slicer File (G code) to the 3D printer chip or sd card.
- Print File.
What color do cutting lines need to be when programming the laser?
What do you call a digital version of our design?
3D model
The filabot reclaimer extrudes small pellets of plastic.
This tool creates measurements that you can edit to make make lines and shapes different sizes.
Dimensions Tool
What do you need to do in order change the 3D printer filament?
Preheat the 3D printer to remove and replace the Filament.
Turning on the exhaust for the laser help with what?
Vent the smoke and fumes
What kind of manufacturing is 3D Printing called?
Additive Manufacturing
This tool lets you move objects and shapes around in Onshape.
What temperature does the 3D printer nozzle need to be to melt the PLA Filament?
200 C
What part of laser is glass piece that amplifies the light?
The Lens
What is Subtractive Manufacturing?
A method of creative something by removing material.
Laser Cutting/Engraving