An under-the-hood technology that allows us to ship features much faster across clients.
What is SDUI?
The name of the draggable G icon/button in Llama.
What is the widget?
This client drives the best retention.
What is Grammarly for Windows and Mac (aka Llama)?
This feature is our top acquisition-driver.
What is plagiarism detection?
The service hosts our servers.
What is AWS?
This shape of the icon that allows you to access GrammarlyGO.
What is a lightbulb?
This client has the most WAUs.
What is the Grammarly for Chrome?
This Set Goals setting affects the strictness of suggestions users see from Grammarly.
What is domain / genre OR formality settings?
An automated response to our servers from Grammarly’s product. It is sent at least once a day as an indicator that the user has our product installed.
What is a ping?
This keyboard shortcut allows you to insert a snippet.
What is backslash?
Some GB institutions can't use this client due to document storage concerns.
What are multiword text predictions and emoji predictions/search bar?
The service that all our client applications connect to for text checking.
What is Common Application Programming Interface (CAPI)?
Users can accept these suggestions without opening the assistant.
What is inline?
All G4D end users receive these types of suggestions.
What are correctness suggestions?
These two features only exist in the extension and are built on Wiktionary.
What are double-click synonyms and definitions?
How we link user IDs to their computer, which allows us to know if the same user has created multiple accounts.
What is a container ID?
All Llama suggestions have these, which make it easy for users to accept and implement suggestions.
What are transforms?
The total amount of clients Grammarly offers (including desktop and mobile).
What is 14?
A feature in the Editor settings panel that doesn't affect UI.
What is our "deactivated quotes" feature?