What is original cost for the yaad &road pack
$5,999 +GCT
I'm $4500 + GCT on a promotion who I'm ?
Internet vital
How long a customer the customer have to retrieve the tablet?
Pickup device within 30 days.
TV essential provides how many channels
126 channels
Where can I signed up to retrieve the Samsung table
Online on the Discover flow website
Which package or packages gives a customer 300 mbps and also provide the cost.
Internet Extra for $7000 + GCT and Internet Extra + TV Plus $9000+ GCT
Name two Apps offered with the flow packages
HBO Max App and flow sports App
How many cable packages flow offers
4 cable packages
True or False Both ya’ad & Road and Ya’ad & Road + TV Plus Extra consist of :
10 GB Mobile Data
Which package or packages provide landline and how many minutes ?
Internet Vital and Internet extra consist of 500 minutes
Jump internet package what's the download speed ?
Name three cable add ons
In The Know:
HBO Max®:
Dancehall Pack:
Action Pack:
More entertaiment:
Spanish Pak:
The Maxpak:
Sports Fan:
What's the name of the device receive with the Yaad & road package
Samsung A03 Core
Name the Internet bundles that provides the flow sports app
Internet Vital
Internet Extra
Internet Vital + TV Plus Extra
Internet Extra + TV Plus
What is jump?
JUMP is an initiative developed to foster greater digital inclusion across Jamaica. The program was created to offer low-cost, affordable internet to the most vulnerable through the support of funding partners who are coming together to provide a subsidy towards the monthly bill.
What the coast for the Adult plus package
$1,899 + GCT per month
I consist of 191 Channels and Paramount+ . Who I'm ?
Yaad & road +TV extra and Internet Vital + TV Plus Extra
I'm very costly who I'm I
Internet Extra + TV Plus
Who is eligible for the jump package
JUMP will be made available to families on the Program for Advancement through Health and Education (PATH) that reside in communities where Flow’s internet service is available
What's the name of the news package
In The Know