This product offers issue ages from 18-85
FE Express Solutions
These are the guaranteed paid up options
10, 20, and 30 years
This product offers Terminal, Chronic, and Critical illness built into the policy
Trendsetter LB
This product offers a minimum face amount of $25,000
This rider offers an accelerated death benefit in the event an insured suffers from a heart attack, cancer, stroke, or blindness
Critical Illness Rider
This product is available in all states (including Pennsylvania) and is payable to age 121
Immediate Solution / LP121
This product offers these three living benefit riders
Terminal, chronic, and critical illness
This product ONLY features the terminal illness accelerated death benefit and NOT the other living benefits
Trendsetter Super
This product offers a minimum face amount of $250,000
Under the MDIR (Monthly Disability Income Rider), clients can purchase up to this many units
20 units
This product is paid up in 10 years and does not offer any optional riders
10 Pay Solution
This is the guaranteed cash value interest rate
This product offers the MDIR (Monthly Disability Income Rider) as an optional rider
Trendsetter LB
This product offers the option for conventional loans and index loans
Under the CBRs (Child Benefit Riders) for Whole Life, Term, and IUL products, juveniles can be insured for up to this many units (not to exceed the base face amount)
99 units
This product offers a minimum graded death benefit of $1,000
Easy Solution
This is what happens at the end of a level term period
Policy reverts to one-year renewable term
This product offers an optional LTC rider
The MDIR (Monthly Disability Income Rider) pays a benefit for up to this many months
24 months
Graded on final expense means this
Two year waiting period
Income Protection Option
This is the elimination period for the MDIR (Monthly Disability Income Rider)
90 days
Graded on an IUL means this
Same as increasing to age 70, grading to level at age 95
This rider advances a dollar-for-dollar portion of the death benefit if the insured cannot perform more than 2 of the 6 ADLs (Activities of Daily Living)
Long Term Care Rider