This strategy allows companies to respond quickly to a changing business environment.
Flexible Pricing Strategy
The degree to which the demand for a product changes based on changes in the price of the product.
Price Elasticity
This strategy intends to cover (recoup) the costs of goods sold and earn a desired profit level.
Profit-Oriented Pricing Strategy
A method used to set a selling price (or exchange price) for a product, with the goal of establishing optimum perceived value for both seller and buyer.
Pricing (method)
The stages a product moves through, including introduction, growth, maturity, and decline
Product Life Cycle
The amount of money a business thinks it should charge for its product or service.
This strategy intends to grow sales and gain market share.
Sales-Oriented Pricing Strategy
The price a product or service actually sold for.
Selling Price
Fluctuations in economic activity, including periods of expansion, peak, recession, depression, trough, and recovery.
Business Cycle: