Complete the trio - Berel, Derel and...
We had _____ many choirs in production this year (they all count, yes)
Shtetl, Emunah, Ensemble, Finale, Rebuild, Shema 1 and 2, Departing, Galperin choir ;)
Who played Gittel in the attempted Upon Her Heart?
Chana Kagan
"Oof, I really need a shluf." Said who?
Tzivia Klyne/Doctaaaaaa
Give a round of applause for your BC heads and Mushky Dubov who put this all together
*clap clap clap*
Which orphanage girl could not feel her hands after doing the dishes for Sister Victoria?
Sara Hadar/Julia
Name at least three boys in the Shtetl Drama Choir
Dovid, Chaim, Yankel (and/or) Tzvi
What was written on the back of the "Operation Exodus" production sweater?
I ran from Iran and here I am "cut the tension"
Who pulled the curtains open and closed? (2)
Shaina Shemtov and Chana Zwiebel
Which character reported Itche's fall to the mothers?
Moussia Stein/Masha
Sing us Gittel's Solo
It's clear to me, yes I know now That embedded deep within my soul Was all I've seen all I did hear All you've taught to hold so dear Just as when we said farewell, it's in my heart these words I tell I sing with you shema yisrael