Ethics and Behavior
The Golden Rules
Good & Bad Workplace Ethics
What we strive for

This is a key component to workplace ethics and behavior when employee is being honest and doing the right thing at all times

What is Integrity


This is a rule for achieving greatness in whatever endeavor you undertake - it's a quality that makes you and your work stand-out.

What is Strive for excellence


What are some benefits of good workplace ethics?

What are •Desirable work environment •Produce results •Build good references •Good office morale •Growth and expansion •Recognition

This allows you to distinguish the difference between right and wrong
What is Ethics
Doing the job, tasks or duties assigned to you in the workplace that you agreed to do when joining a company or organization
What is Resposibility

A vital aspect of the workplace is working well with others. That includes everyone from colleagues, to supervisors to customers

What is Teamwork

Being friendly, polite and well mannered with a gracious consideration towards others.
What is being Courteous and Respectful

List 3 bad work ethics

What are •Stealing •Ignoring important job duties •Making important decisions without checking in with manager first •Lack of communication

This is a series of actions deemed acceptable in the workplace; a way of conducting oneself that includes respect for others and courtesy for others in the workplace
What is professional behavior
A workplace where there’s acceptance of all peoples regardless of gender, religious or political views, accepting others
What is Diversity

What is the definition of ethics?

What is Ethics is the basic concepts and fundamental principles of decent human conduct.


Speaking truthfully; being straightforward and factual 

What is Honesty

By ensuring this, true professionals strive to ensure their physical presentation works for them instead of against them
what is great appearance/dress professional or appropriately
Nothing can produce better results and ultimately a better impression than maintaining a ___________ __________
What is positive attitude

Taking responsibility for your actions when it comes to workplace ethics and behavior.

What is Accountability

This behavior is acting within certain moral codes in accordance with the generally accepted code of conduct or rules
What is good work ethics
Identify 3 consequences for bad work ethics
What are •Stricter rules •Fewer privileges •An undesirable work environment •Stunts growth and productivity •Causes a domino affect among other colleagues •Potential job loss •Potential closing of the organization

Identify 3 Dos of Professionalism in the Workplace

What are •Do arrive early •Do be willing to engage a coworker who asks for your help •Do be flexible •Do always wear a smile •Do dress to impress. •Do communicate clearly and effectively

What are the 4 proper elements of behaviour that every employee should have when applying ethics in the workplace?
•Respect, •Honor,• Integrity, •Customer Focus, •Risk-taking, •Results-oriented,• passion,• persistence

What are the 3 Elements of work ethics and behaviors?

•Dedication, •Integrity, •Accountability, •Collaboration, •Respect,

A skill that is learned about how we talk to others effectively
What is good communication

Name 3 good workplace ethic

What are •Staying productive •Being held responsible for your own actions •Taking initiative •Being on time •Staying positive •Being professional •Set an example •Immediately attempting to correct a mistake


Identify 3 don'ts in professionalism in the workplace

What are •Don’t be afraid to ask questions, despite how silly you think they seem. •Don't gossip •Don't arrive to work late •Don't put up embarrassing and inappropriate content on your social network profiles – they could come back to haunt you at the worst possible time.

what are some important elements for making first impression
What are • Demonstrate confidence • Show up early • Dress nicely • Show interest in your coworkers • Smile and show that you are enthusiastic about your job