This is a complex social concept that encompasses the entirety of socially transmitted communication styles, family customs, political systems, and ethnic identity held by a particular group of people. It is primarily learned and transmitted through family and other social institutions.
What is culture
A goal-directed form of communication used in a health care setting to achieve goals that promote client health and well-being is know as this. It is also used by nurses to: provide information, correct misinformation, promote understanding of client responses to health problems, explore options for care, assist in decision making and facilitate well-being.
What is therapeutic communication.
This refers to variations among cultural groups.
What is cultural diversity.
This part of the communication theory allows for correction/clarification or maintenance of original the information. It should be given in a timely manner, be specific and directed to the behaviour.
What is feedback.
The ability to be sensitive to and communicate understanding of the client's feelings without losing your sense of self is this. It is often confused with sympathy.
What is empathy.
Thinking ahead to the next question and preoccupation with personal agendas are these types of road blocks to a therapeutic relationship.
What is a barrier.
An agreement on the client's health problems and the means for resolving them is know as this.
What is mutuality.
An intentional human action characterized by commitment and a sufficient level of knowledge and skill supporting the basic integrity of the client is known as this action. It is also an ethical responsibility for nurses.
What is caring.