Self esteem & Development
Communication Essentials
Getting your message across
Communication with coworkers & supervisors

What is self- esteem and self development? 

Self esteem: How we value and percieve ourselves 

Self development: "activities that develop a person's capabilities and potential, build human capital, facilitate employability, enhance quality of life, and facilitate the realization of dreams and aspirations"


Benefits of a positive atitude

Says to others, “I can achieve success", Helps you achieve goals and attain success, Empowers you to succeed faster and more easily, Gives you more energy, Inspires and motivates others.


3 Forms of communication


Oral (spoken).

Nonverbal (no words). Includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, eye contact, and touch.


3 Communication Styles

Passive communication.

Aggressive communication.

Assertive communication.


Advantages of teams in a workplace

Teams provide for a larger pool of ideas.

Teamwork results in more work being done in less time and in better products.

Interaction among team members enhances the knowledge of the whole team.

Teamwork helps all workers grow by exposing them to more viewpoints.

Team commitment may stimulate performance, motivation, and attendance.


4 Tips for building self esteem

Each evening, list your accomplishments, Do something nice for someone else, Build the esteem of others, Do something challenging each day, Think positively, Establish and work toward your goals, Look your best.


How is attitude and emotion correlated? How are they different?

"Attitudes and emotions are correlated, as emotions can shape and reinforce attitudes, while attitudes influence how we emotionally respond to situations. However, they differ in that attitudes are long-lasting and encompass cognitive, affective, and behavioral components, while emotions are transient and primarily involve affective and physiological responses"


4 Elements in communication model






What is the best style? What are its rewards?  

Reduces the anxiety and stress caused by misunderstanding, Improves self-esteem and self-confidence, Provides respect for your ideas and opinions, Motivates others to clearly state their ideas and opinions, Provides a sense of self-control, Provides the ability to say “no” when you mean “no” without feeling guilty, Protects you from being taken advantage of by others, Minimizes alienating others, Demonstrates respect for the feelings of others.


Problems that can arise when working with a team 

lSome individuals are not compatible with teamwork.

Team commitments may overshadow personal desires.

Management may recognize group achievement rather than individual achievement.

One person’s negativity may demoralize an entire team.

“Free-riding” on teams may occur.


3 Do's and Don'ts of self esteem 

DO: Engage in positive self-talk, Remember what you like about yourself, Talk with others about your good qualities, Focus on your achievements, Plan for your future.

DONT:Don’t try to imitate someone else, Don’t think negatively about yourself, Don’t neglect yourself, Don’t let setbacks get the best of you.


3 Productive VS Unproductive attitudes

Enthusiastic, Interested, Envious, Sarcastic, Confident, Considerate, Disrespectful, Angry, Kindhearted, Easy-going, Conceited, Agitated, Supportive, Patient, Apathetic, Impatient, Helpful, Friendly, Rude, Pessimistic, Cheery, Engaging, Fearful, Anxious


4 Do's and Don't of oral communication 

Speak clearly and courteously,Avoid overusing the word i, State your main points first and then elaborate, Consider your audience and empathize with your listeners, Use positive language, Use standard language and enunciate properly.

Don’t use um or ah as fillers between words, Don’t be sarcastic, rude, or pushy, Don’t make personal attacks, Don’t jump from topic to topic without a transition, Don’t expect others to always agree with you, Don’t use informal words or phrases known only to a select group.


5 Conversation Energizers 

1. Start the conversation with a smile.

2.  Make an extra effort to remember names.

3.  Ask questions—lots of them.

4.  Know what is happening in the world.

5.   Get excited about the interests and successes of others.

6.  Change the topic when the conversation has run its course.


3 Ways to make a team effective 

Group ownership and understanding.

Open communication.

Clear leadership.


SMART goals stands for 







Five things to remember about attitude

1.  You control only what you think.

2.  Attitudes can and do change over time.

3.  Your attitude affects others.

4.  Attitudes of others affect you.

5.  Attitudes are unique because they are developed as a result of emotion.


4 Non verbal communication 


Body language and posture.

Facial expressions and eye contact.



What are some barriers to listening

lBarriers to listening:


Thinking ahead to what you want to say.

lMind moving too fast.

Lack of attention.

Selective listening.


List 5 e-mail etiquettes 

1.  Respond quickly.

2.  Be considerate; use please and thank you.

3.  Consider file size.

4.  Be sparing with group e-mail.

5.  Don’t send chain letters, virus warnings, or junk  e-mails.

6.   Avoid using “high priority,” “urgent,” and “important” flags.

7.  Avoid using abbreviations and emoticons.


The overview of a self development plan

1. Vision of your future self.

2. Clear, specific, andmeasureable goals.

3. Action plan for achieving each goal.


Ways to cope with negative attitudes around you

To cope with the negative attitudes of others, Ignore what you see and hear that is negative, Walk away from negative situations, Be aware of the influence others have on you, Control your negative reactions and feelings toward others.


List Barriers to communication

Word choice.



Sexist language

Confusing messages.

Poor choice of communication channel.



Interruptions, distractions, and distance.


4 Types of Questions 

Open questions.

Closed questions.

Probing questions.

Rhetorical questions.


3 Leadership Styles

Laissez-faire leader.

Democratic leader.

Autocratic leader.