Steps to build a good resume
Professionalism in the workplace
Helpful UTD resources
Writing good emails
Professional Dress Code

What personal information is good to include on a resume? What is not good to include?

It is good to include your work email, work phone, and full legal name, linkedIn profile info

It is not good to include your address, sensitive information, irrelvent personal details such as race, religion, martial status. 


Provide 2 pieces of advice for someone who has been having trouble getting up on time, because being punctual is important!

Go to bed earlier

Set Multiple Alarms

Put your alarm far away from your bed

Pick your outfit out the day before


What are some of the resources that the UTD campus provides to help with professional development as well as getting jobs and internships?

UTD Career Center, Handshake, Career workshops, and Networking events


At what times should you consider NOT sending an email?

Choose an appropriate time to send your email to maximize the likelihood of it being read and acted upon. It is usually not professional to email late at night. Try to send emails in the mornings or afternoons.


Can sweatpants pass off a professional dress code?

No, they cannot.


How often should you update a resume?

You should be updating your resume regularly, but especially should be updating it when: 

- There were significant achievements or changes

- when changing jobs or roles

- before entering a new job market

- when your skills or qualifications have changed

- when your contact info changes


You were assigned 6 things to do and completed all of them. You have 1 hour left in your shift. You decide to sit at your desk and wait for the hour to pass. Is this Professional?

No, you should take initiative and let your boss know that you have completed your work. That will determine your next course of action. 


What resources offer career advising?

UTD career center


What SHOULDN'T you include in an email?

emoji's, slang, abbreviations or "texting language" or bad language, misspelled words as well


In a professional setting, this type of footwear is often preferred over open-toed shoes or sandals.

Dress shoes or close toed shoes


What are some important things to have on a resume?

Contact info, education/certifications, work experience and skill set. Objective of a resume and/or cover letter


You want to take a few days off of work to go on vacation. Role play or explain asking your boss for time off.

1. Ask for leave at least 2 weeks in advance for your manager/boss

2. Check to make sure that you have finished all your important work before the deadline

3. Make sure to send either an email or official notice of leave


What is known as the "Job, search platform" at UTD?



What are some inappropriate email topics?

Anything involving Politics, Religion, Race/Ethnicity, Stereotypes, Dating


Describe a "professional" outfit for an interview.

Dress pants, dress shoes, tie, combed hair, button up shirt, collard shirt


What are somethings you don't want to include on a resume?

Irrelevant work experience, unrelated hobbies or interests, any negative information about you, salary information, and any personal information such as age, marital status, race, religion, or political affiliation 


You are having a problem with a co-worker. They keep coming up to talk to you while you are busy and working. What can you do? List steps of action.

1. Explain to your coworker that you are busy

2. If that doesn't work, then tell your manager/boss


What do career workshops and events aid students in?

  • Workshops and events to help grow professional skills
  • resume help workshops as well
  • allow students to discover different different careers, industries and overall job market
  • great environment for networking and interview preparations

What kind of tone and language should I use when writing an email to a professor and mentor?

It is important to use a professional and respectful tone when sending emails to professors or mentors. Maintain a courteous and respectful tone throughout your email, even in cases of disagreement or criticism.


How does dressing professionally contribute to maintaining a professional image?

It creates a positive first impression, boosts confidence, and reflects respect for the workplace.


What are some problems that someone can encounter if they don't have the right information or lie on their resume? List the problems

Job application can be rejected, you might not perform well at your job, you might lose out on other job opportunities and you reputation might get damaged as well as being blacklisted from the company or other companies. 


You want to work more hours at your current job. Role play or explain how you would ask your boss for more shifts.

Show positivity and enthusiasm

Be Polite

Explain why you want to work more hours(don't make it about money)


Why is it important to network at different career fairs and events?

It helps you land good opportunities and internships and allows you grow your interpersonal connections in the real world, not just within college.


How should you end an email? What are the appropriate things to include?

You always want to end an email with a closing such as, “Thank you,” “Sincerely,” “Best Regards,” etc.. Choose the closing that best fits the tone and purpose of your email, and always aim for professionalism and clarity. Also, consider the relationship with the recipient and the level of formality appropriate for the situation.


Name the 5 types of dress codes

Casual, Smart Casual, Business casual, Business Professional, Business Formal