Career Development
Work-Life Balance
Personal Growth
Teamwork and Collaboration

What’s the first thing you’ll buy when you get that big promotion?

A fancy new office chair that says, ‘I’m ready for meetings, but also for naps!’


What’s your go-to excuse for skipping a meeting?

 I’m stuck in traffic... from the kitchen to my desk


What’s one personal goal you’ve achieved that has positively impacted your professional life?

Mastering the art of Cooking! improved my popularity at the office. 


What’s the secret ingredient for effective teamwork?

A good supply of snacks!


If your work emails had a theme song, what would it be?

It would be the ‘Mission Impossible’ theme—because every email feels like a secret mission! 


If you had a superpower to improve work-life balance, what would it be?

Freezing time to get more sleep


If your personal growth journey was a TV show, what would it be called?

How I Met My Deadlines


How do you keep a team motivated during long projects?

keeping the team motivated during long projects by hosting regular snack breaks! A little food and fun always help recharge our spirits and keep us going!


What’s one professional skill you hope you never have to use?

Expert-level data recovery—because if I’m in that situation, I probably just lost something really important!


What’s your “I’m totally working” face when someone walks past your desk?

Intense concentration while staring at an Excel sheet!


What’s one habit you wish you could “unlearn”?

Overthinking emails


what is the best way to ensure everyone on the team is on the same page?

create a group chat entirely dedicated to sharing memes. If they’re all laughing at the same jokes, they’re definitely on the same page!


 What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever written on a “to-do” list?

Create a backup plan for my backup plan’—because you can never be too prepared for a surprise plot twist!


Name one strategy to reduce work-related stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

 Every time an email stresses me out, I take a deep breath, minimize the window, and pretend it never happened... works like a charm!


What’s a personal hobby or passion you want to develop in the next year?

Gardening! I’m excited to grow my own veggies—hopefully,


What’s one key element of effective teamwork that can help you achieve both personal and professional goals?

Learning to make decisions together—like agreeing on what to watch on Netflix. If we can figure that out, we can achieve anything!!


Name one skill you plan to improve in the next year to help you in your current role.

I plan to enhance my mind-reading skills this year—because if I can anticipate my boss’s needs before they even ask, I’ll be on my way to becoming a workplace wizard!  


What is a common technique for managing time effectively between personal and professional responsibilities?

Multitasking! Folding laundry while on conference calls, got to prioritize the important stuff!


Name a book, movie, or course that has inspired your personal growth journey.

Movie, The Pursuit of Happiness! Watching Will Smith hustle through life’s challenges reminded me that with determination , anything is possible.


How can you help the team reach its goals while still working on your own career dreams ?

I can help the team reach its goals by sharing ideas and working together, while also making time for my own career growth. It's like cheering for each other in a race—I'm supporting the team while moving toward my own finish line!