Resume Building
Hired or Fired
Who is DDC

These are the colors you should use for the paper and ink on your professional resume.

What is black and white?


This is a person you should never include as a reference.

What is any family member?


Even if you are interviewing for an unpaid or informal position, you should never wear these two items to an interview.

What is sweat pants and tennis shoes.?


What are all the names of the departments at DDC?

What is TSVE, F&A, P&A, Executive, CSS, and M&C

How do you hold a wine glass?

What is by the stem of base?


Unlike Elle Woods', this is something your resume should never be.

What is Scented?


This document is the yin to your resume's yang. The two should always go together.

What is a cover letter?


When at a virtual interview, how should you background look?

What is clear with no distractions and blurred?


What is the smallest Team and which department is it under?

What is sustainability under P&A


How much food/ items should be on you plate at a time at an event?

What is three items?

If you write that you are fluent in antoher language on your resume, you should be prepared to do this.

What is speak it?


This is something you must do before an interview, cover letter, and resume. This will show that you are specifically interested in the position you are applying for and set you apart from other applicants.

What is research the company?


Even if it is true, this is something you should never say about past bosses in your interview.

What is something negative?


What is the differnce between Events DC and Destination DC?

What is

Events DC owns a brick and mortar and property manages vender around dc 

Destination DC is the official marketing organization for dc, and our asset is people.


This occurs when people give disproportionate weight to information that confirms their preexisting beliefs

What is bias?


Using active verbs in this section of your resume helps to convey a sense of initiative and impact, making your achievements and responsibilities more compelling to potential employers.

What is Work Experience or Professional Experience?


While sharing is generally a good thing, this type will not serve you well in an interview or a resume.

What is overshare?


This is something you must do at the end of an interview to stand out.

What is send a follow-up email?


What are 3 names of all the ERGs at DDC?

What is Employee Action Committee, Sustainability Taskforce, DEI Activation Committee, DDC Foodies, DDC MOM club, Fashion and self-Care, Diverse abilities and minds Group, Music Chat


This color is said to be a sign of power if worn to an interview or around an office.

What is red?


Like a suit or a dress, if you do this to your resume & cover letter it will stand out from the rest.

What is tailored?


Before sending an email or submitting your resume and cover letter, what should you do?

What is spell check or review?


You should always bring this to an interview, even if it is not requested.

What is your resume or cover letter?


When was DDC founded?

What is 1931?


What is the name of all interns from this summer and what is their title?

What is:

Connor- Global Media Intern

Marshell- F&A Intern 

Theodore- Global Sales Intern

Kay- Sustainability Intern

Amelia- Executive Intern

Julia- Tourism and Visitor Experience Intern

Annalissa- Sports and Events Intern

Victoria- Domestic Media Intern

Amanda- Creative Services Intern

Celine- Convention Sales and Services Intern

Hannah- Social Media Intern

Mattison- AEF Senior Intern