Multicultural knowledge
Multicultural skills
Counseling careers
Multicultural competence guidelines
Ethics review
This is a subtle (and sometimes unintentional) statement that devalues, minimizes, or "puts down" another person's culture or identity.
What is a microaggression?
The ACA recommends that counselors use this skill, to work for systemic change.
What is advocacy?
This career in counseling often finds the practitioner performing crisis response/assessment services.
What is a community mental health counselor?
When working with person around gender issues, ACA recommends that a clinician practice this kind of therapy.
What is "gender aware therapy?"
Counselors should be careful in attempting to universally apply ethical principles, since ACA's ethical codes are strongly influenced by _____________ value systems.
What are "Western" or "American" or "Eurocentric?"
The majority of present immigrants to the US are from nations in these areas.
What are Asia and Latin America?
Though having general knowledge of different cultural groups is helpful, if a counselor relies too much on these ideas, they can ignore the impact of ______________.
What are "individual differences?"
School counselors must be very careful in explaining the limits of confidentiality, in light of this legislative Act.
What is FERPA?
When working with highly religious clients, you can find useful counseling guidelines from this organization.
What is ASERVIC? (Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling)
Counselors should be very careful in applying this ethical principle when working with clients from more collectivist or interdependent cultures.
What is autonomy?
This metaphor is an attempt to replace the old "melting pot" myth, which previously suggested that immigrants to the US had to assimilate into mainstream culture.
What is the "cultural mosaic" model?
The ACA and APA release these periodically to help clinicians stay up to date on their multicultural counseling skills.
What are practice guidelines?
This national organization developed a comprehensive model outlining the way that School Counselors should be trained.
What is ASCA?
ACA recommends that counselors make sure to assess the __________ of their diverse clients, in order to understand how they view their own background.
What is cultural identity?
This area of ethical behavior should be discussed early and often in the counseling process with diverse clients, particularly when something is going to change.
What is "informed consent?"
According to the Cultural Identity Development Model, this is the stage when diverse persons first recognize the existence of discrimination or prejudice.
What is the dissonance stage?
This is probably the single most important quality that a counselor should have when working with diverse clients.
What is cultural competence?
Counselors working in Student Affairs may find themselves in an ethical dilemma when asked to disclose information to meet this responsibility.
What is "duty to warn" (or Tarasoff liability)?
Research indicates that although clients might want *this,* it is not as important to positive outcomes as the counselor's cultural competence.
What is "matching" with their counselor?
This model of ethical decision-making proposes that ethical decisions should be made in a dialog among the counselor, client, and other affected parties.
What is a "social constructionist" model?
These are the three levels of personal identity, proposed by the Sue & Sue "Tripartite" model.
What are Universal Level, Group Level, and Individual Level?
Of the "9 Counselor Characteristics" discussed in this course, which is the most useful for building multicultural counseling competence?
What is cognitive complexity?
This complex developmental model is often used by counselors in Student Affairs, to understand college student development.
What is Chickering's Seven Vectors Model?
Your textbook indicates that multicultural counseling competence is made up of these three areas.
What are attitudes, knowledge, and skills?
These are the six guiding principles and professional values of the ACA Code of Ethics.
What are beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, fidelity, justice, and veracity?