The Professional Future
Millennial Leadership
Communication in Professionalism
Professionalism Basics
Professionalism and Skils
Provo, Utah, Omaha, Nebraska, Raleigh, North Carolina, and Boise City, Idaho are all on 2015’s lists of: top cities to retire in, or top cities for young professionals?
What is top cities for young professionals
There are many different styles of leadership, but this style is found to be the most effective when working with others.
What is transformational leadership
The number one skill valued by employers across the board is?
What is communication
The type of communication that is appropriate for the workplace is called?
What is Professional Communication
Nearly 3 out of 4 survey participants agree that what is more valued by an employer than an actual degree?
What is a skill or skill-set
As of August 2014, how many college educated individuals 25 and older were unemployed? 750,000. 1.6 million. 575,000. 2 million?
What is 2 million
When working with others what is the first step a transformational leader takes?
What is create an inspiring vision
What is the first nonverbal message you give employers during an interview?
What is your attire
Understanding the social norms, and expectations of a culture other than your own is call?
What is Cross Cultural Competency
These are skills that can be valuable assets in multiple different careers and business settings. Examples include personality traits, or skills you gained traveling or volunteering.
What is (a) transferrable skill(s)
25-34 year olds have the Nation's second highest unemployment rate. What group or age range has the highest?
What is new graduates or 20-24 year olds
When leadership is lacking within an organization, is it because of the individuals hired or because of the organization?
What is the organization
True or False the protocol used to communicate within business meeting in the US is the exact same protocol that should be used in a business meeting overseas?
What is false
What kind of work attire would be most accepted in a business setting such as a law office or bank?
What is Business professional
Within our research we found that analytical, critical thinking, technological, creativity, and interpersonal skills were found most desirable by; 3 out of 3, 2 out of 3, or 1 out of 3 sources?
What is 3 out of 3
Tucson, Arizona, Boston, Maryland, Atlanta, Georgia, and San Fransisco, California are considered to be some of 2501's top cities for young professionals, or top cities for millennials?
What is millennials
When leading Millennials, effective managers are most likely to do what two things; name one of these.
What is empower others/expert within field
The ability to identify, use, understand and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communication effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and diffuse conflict is known as?
What is Emotional Intelligence
As the average age of employees drops, many companies are adopting which type of work attire in the office?
What is Business casual
What are graduates of STEM fields lacking in the eyes of potential employers?
What is communication skills
For each of you, the professional future, and the future in general look bright, very bright, promising, or fabulous?
What is all the above.
Millennials within North America are most likely want to become a leader because of what reason?
What is to influence the company or organization
Proper attire, posture, hygiene, eye contact and gestures are all ways to communicate ___________ that your business associates have your full time and attention.
What is nonverbally
When starting a new job it is vital to establish a _______ for yourself in terms of appearance.
What is professional image
Admirable _______ and ________ skills will portray to employers that you are educated, and mentally capable of handling any tasks given to you.
What is verbal and written communication