He/She works in a hospital or clinic.
doctor or nurse
He/She fixes cars.
a mechanic?
He/She drives students to school
a bus driver
He/She works in a factory.
a factory worker
He/She cuts hair.
a barber or hairdresser
He/She runs on a field or stadium.
an athlete
He/She works in a school
He/She drives an ambulance.
a paramedic
He/She paints or draws pictures?
an artist
He/She uses a hammer and nails.
a carpenter
He/She cashes checks, takes deposits, and hands out MONEY.
a banker
He/She cooks food.
a cook or chef
He/She drives a fire truck.
a fire fighter
He/She works in the office at school?
a secretary
He/She uses a guitar.
a musician
He/She is the leader of our country.
the president
He/She fixes your pipes.
a plumber
He/She flies an airplane.
a pilot
He/She protects the public.
a police officer
He/She uses a palet and a cement.
a construction worker or builder
He/She cuts down trees in a forest.
a lumberjack
He/She fights in wars.
a soldier
He/She flies in the space shuttle.
an astronaut
He/She teaches students.
a teacher/teacher assistant
He/She uses a drill on your teeth.
a dentist
He/She works at an animal hosital.
a veteranarian
He/She is in charge of a store.
a manager
He/She drives a limosine.
a chauffeur
He/She performs in movies and in theater.
an actor
He/She creates computer software.
a computer programmer