Types of Authenticity
Georg Simmel
Erving Goffman
Dean MacCannell
This type of authenticity is activated by tourist activity.
What is existential authenticity?
This phenomenon causes over-stimulation of the senses due to the complexity and diversity of urban life.
What is urbanization?
According to Erving Goffman, in this region performers relax and prepare for their performances; this region is closed to audiences and outsiders.
What is the “back region”?
False consciousness is another name for ____________ consciousness.
What is “touristic consciousness"?
This type of authenticity is constructed by various tourism factors such as projections, imagery, preferences, beliefs and power.
What is constructive/symbolic authenticity?
Participation in tourism as you are going away from home and being free from the pressures of daily life.
How to preserve autonomy?
According to Erving Goffman, the host and the guest meet in this type of tourist setting, whereby the host puts on a performance for the guest.
What is the “front region”?
Tourists search for authenticity that is absent from their everyday lives when they travel, such as religious pilgrimages.
What is MacCannell's view on tourism?
Authenticity that resembles the original culture is known as _______________. This type of authenticity may be considered "museum-like".
What is objective authenticity?
According to Georg Simmel, urbanization causes urban dwellers to develop a __________ attitude in order to cope with the over-stimulation of their surroundings.
What is “blasé”?
_________________ builds on Erving Goffman's idea of front and back regions.
Who is Dean MacCannell?
When intimacy is staged in a tourist setting, this is known as ________________.
What is staged authenticity?