What is the main difference between Proficient Band and Expert Band?
Supporting colleagues
What is a 'schwa'
the most common weak vowel sound, similar to 'uh'
What word describes the way we ensure students of every ability can produce language during a class?
Name all four bands
Foundation, Proficient, Expert, Lead
What is the most common ESL methodology today?
PPP - Present, Practice, Produce
Name some of the top managers in our centre, 100 points for each correct answer!
Zhang Man
Name three (different) uses for the English past tense verb form
Draw the STANDARD way of drawing tense timelines for:
Simple past
Present Perfect
Past Perfect Continuous with Simple Past interruption
Simple past = X
Present Perfect = curved arrow to present point
Past Perfect Continuous with Simple Past interruption = ~~X~~>
Is this proficient band or expert band?
"The teacher actively seeks to interact with students in the centre"
Expert = "The teacher supports staff by sharing methods to engage students inside or outside of the classroom"
What is the methodology that EF use for F2F and WS?
ESA - Engage, Study, Activate
They can be checked in at :40 as long as the booked student has not arrived yet. However, if they are checked in and have not arrived, they cannot be un-checked in and the Stand-by must leave.
What is a 'glottal stop'?
In English, the glottal stop occurs as an open juncture (for example, between the vowel sounds in uh-oh!,) and allophonically in T-glottalization. In British English, the glottal stop is most familiar in the Cockney pronunciation of "butter" as "bu'er".
How can we Differentiate? Name at least 3 ways
Example answers
Change content
Change length or activity or text
Highlight important info in texts or grade them down/up
Change partners
Back to the board/facing the board
Proficient or expert?
"The teacher designs interaction patterns in relation to lesson objectives and can describe reasons behind selection"
Proficient = "The teacher uses a variety of interaction patterns; monitors effectively during pair and group work"
Name any ESL teaching methodology you know. 100 points per correct response!!
e.g. Direct Method, Communicative Language Teaching, The Silent Way, Community Teaching, Desuggestopedia, Grammar-Translation Method...
In which city did Michael first teach with EF?
What is the "it" subject called in this sentence:
"It doesn't matter when you do it, just do it!"
the Dummy Subject
another example would be
"there are a lot of reasons for that"
Name three different student interaction patterns
pair work
Name THREE 'macro' competencies!
customer orientation
developing others
managing performance
building relations
entrepreneurial orientation
Describe the Direct Method
Example answer:
The DM doesn't permit L1, teaches in topics and relies on a lot of question and answer activities, and associating meaning with form directly (that's why its called Direct Method). Therefore, students frequently practice changing the form of a sentence or word.
What should you say when you see a CC with a new student?
Hi! Is this your new student?
Welcome to EF!
Name at least three
Latin, Old French, Germanic, Danish, Old Norse
What is it called when you wait to give feedback at the end of the class?
Delayed Feedback
Name THREE out of FOUR of the MICRO competencies of DEVELOPING OTHERS.
Teaching techniques
Classroom Management
Evaluating Learning
Learner Language Awareness
Describe the Communicative approach
Example answer:
The CLT approach permits errors as a natural aspect of learning, encourages S-s interaction as much as possible, the teacher will facilitate but stay out of the way and monitor. Teaching focuses on Meaning Form and Function, with particular emphasis on Functions - which govern the syllabus.