8 Essentials for PBL
What, How, Why?
Middle School
Teachers should plan a project to focus on important knowledge and concepts derived from standards.
What is significant content?
When students present their work to a real audience, they care more about its quality and they verbalize what they have learned.
Why we have Expos and other public audiences?
The Kittens
What do we call Ms Carla's class?
The STEM curriculum we use for elementary school.
What is Project Lead the Way?
An open-ended opportunity for students to develop more than one reasonable, complex answer.
What is a Driving Question?
captures the heart of the project in clear, compelling language, which gives students a sense of purpose and challenge.
What is a Driving Question?
Students complete projects at home after covering a topic with a combination of lectures, textbook readings, and worksheets vs a class learning about a subject by actively solving a problem and completing a project in class that requires them to attain knowledge.
What is the difference between a school projects and a project-based learning approach to school?
The quality rating and improvement system we are going through to help make sure we are providing high quality care that supports each child's learning and development.
What is Early Achievers?
The focus of the 3rd Expo and shortened into the acronym ROOTS.
What is Reaching Out to Others Together in Service?
As important as the finished product in student learning, it can be broadly defined as 21st Century Skills.
What is the Process?
The 21st Century skills that students gain through PBL, that are authentic skills which will serve them in life.
What are critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity/ innovation?
WA State Early Learning and Development Guidelines Common Core Standards for Language Arts, Social Studies, Math Next Generation Science Standards
How I can find significant content to cover in my projects?
The characteristic preschoolers have that we want to capitalize on with project based learning.
What is curiosity?
Students use feedback about the quality of their work or thinking to revise and improve.
What is Critique & Revision?
The element of Project Based Learning that is key in terms of making a project feel meaningful to students.
What is student Voice and Choice?
Not only does it make learning more interesting, it reflects real life. Life is full of complex problems that draw on our knowledge from multiple academic disciplines to be solved.
Why you integrate curriculum through PBL?
Ms Yolanda has a very hard time keeping this alive.
What is cats?
The Government
What is Ms Holly's nickname?
The mission of Hillside.
What is: to inspire passionate, confident and creative students in an individualized, hands-on learning environment that integrates Christian values while striving for academic excellence?
The eight essentials for Project-Based Learning.
What are 1) Significant Content 2) A Need to Know 3) A Driving Question 4) Student Voice and Choice 5) 21st Century Competencies 6) In-Depth Inquiry 7) Critique and Revision 8) Public Audience?
What is the role of the teacher in project based learning?
The best picture in the blogs so far!
What is the picture of Ms Heather kissing a pig?
The term given to our elementary program because it builds the key skills students needed to support all future learning.
What is the Foundation to learning?
The item that Jena can never find.
What is her desk?