Group in Session
Things We Talk About

True or False: Participating in group means saying anything that comes to mind

False: Keep what you share relevant to the topic and be mindful of how details could trigger others


True or False: It's ok to be friends with staff on social media

False: Professional boundaries are in place to protect you from harm and for your treatment to be as effective as possible


What are our break times?



11.45-12.25 (12.25-12.40 counts as chore time)


True or False: I can talk about my substance use, even if it is currently ongoing.

True: As long as you don't get too detailed, you can be honest. We are not here to judge you or force you to quit when you're not ready. 


Can a previously healthy coping skill become unhealthy?

Yes, if you are using it obsessively or as an avoidance


What are we supposed to be doing during meditation?

Meditate, duh! But if you absolutely don't want to, just sit in silence and wait to move around or snack until after it is done


What happens if you see an Advantage staff out in public?

Staff is not allowed to talk to you, unless you talk to them first. Even if you do talk to them first, they are to keep the information that you are a client to themselves

What do I do if I am coming into the group room while group is in session?

Come in mindful not to interrupt a meditation or someone talking, and quietly take your seat.


True or False: I can joke about substance use, if I think it's funny and other people laugh.

False: This is not the right place to joke about SU


What is WRAP and what can you use it for?

Wellness and Recovery Action Plan, developed and used by peers in mental health and addiction recovery, but can be utilized for managing other circumstances and life events as well


True or False: If a peer shares something that they struggle with, it means they need my advice

False: Most times people are wanting to vent, advice can be unwelcomed unless it is asked for


What are appropriate responses to a peer sharing something emotional?

Examples: I'm sorry you are going through this; I am here for you if you need me; How can I support you; What would help you feel better; etc.
True or False: It's ok to not participate in group if I'm having a bad day.

It depends: bad days happen to anyone every now and then and you may need a break, but if it happens regularly you will be strongly encouraged to utilize behavioral activation instead


True or False: Cussing is ok in group

False: It is actually against the rules, but we tolerate it in moments of passion, as long as it's not directed towards another peer and it is not included in every other sentence


What are some requirements for change to take place?

Wanting it, planning for it, taking action, not giving up in the face of failure


True or False: Doing peer-lead groups is mandatory for everyone

False, for now: If peers don't sign up regularly, they might decide to make it mandatory or decide that a peer is more appropriate to be moved to PSR or a different program


What are inappropriate responses to a peer sharing something emotional?

Examples: I know EXACTLY what that feels like; I have a story about me or someone I know dealing with something similar; Just smile and think positive; Let me tell you a joke to lift you up; I have advice for you; etc.


What should I do if I can't relate to the group topic or I find it boring?

Just pay attention, you may learn something new, either about the topic or your peers. Boredom is ok, it's not going to harm you.


How do we show respect when a peer is talking?

Actively listen: do not focus on what your response is going to be, just on what the peer is saying


Explain behavioral activation in your own words

Doing something even though you don't feel like it as a way to counter depression and low moods


WAIT is an acronym for "Why Am I Talking?", how is this relevant to group participation?

Not every thought or joke is appropriate to share with the group, and asking yourself this question can help you determine if what you're sharing is adding to the discussion or diverting from it


Why are romantic relationships strongly discouraged among peers in the same group?

You are here for the purpose of treatment, and relationship issues distract the people in the relationship and other peers in group from treatment


What should I do if the group topic is triggering?

Give yourself 5 minutes to determine if you can tolerate the discomfort, and if that is not the case, communicate to staff


Why do I ask you to have material ready for peer lead at least a day in advance?

So you may have time to become familiar with your topic and know what you're doing the group on


What does the acronym SMART stand for when we talk about setting goals?

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound