Provider Documents
Health and Safety
Children Documents

Designed for non-medical personnel who want the knowledge necessary to recognize and care for someone in cardiac arrest.

What is a CPR Certification?


This regulation requires that all children be within a caregiver's range of vision. 

What is 416.8(a) under the Supervision of children?


This diagram must be posted in a visible location in the program.

What is the emergency evacuation diagram? 


 In the case of rooms used for napping or sleeping which have doors, a _________ is required inside that room.

  What is a smoke detector?


This document should be used to document any injury to a child in the program. 

What is an Accident / Injury Report? 


A person applying to be the provider must have completed this training as required in section before being approved for that role.

What is the Health and Safety training? 


When the provider is absent for more than _______ consecutive days or has reason to be absent on a recurring basis, the Office must be notified in advance.

What are (2) days? 



This task can be done whenever a change in a child’s behavior and/or appearance is noted.

What is the health check? 


All __________ on the interior and exterior of the home, including corridors, aisles, and approaches must be kept free of obstructions, impediments, and debris at all times.

What are the paths of egress?


We may use this form or an approved equivalent to document this plan developed for a child with special health care needs.

What is an individual Health Care Plan?


This document must be on site and followed by all staff/caregivers. (Not necessarily posted) 

What is the Health Care Plan?


This regulation states _____ caregiver must be present when more than six children, none of whom are school age, are in care. (Group Family Daycare)

What is 416.8(j)(2) Supervision of Children?


These 2 phone numbers must be posted conspicuously on or next to the telephone.

 What is 911 and poison control?


Program homes must have ______________for the comfort of the children and to accommodate a variety of activities for the number of children in care.

What is an adequate Indoor Space?


When determining the date in which a child's medical expires this is the correct section to judge.

What is the date of the exam section?


At the two-year calendar date in a four year licensing cycle, a program must be in compliance with these requirements and be able to show proof of compliance to the Office when requested.

What is mid-point requirements? 


This regulation demands that daily attendance records must be filled out at the time a child arrives and departs, and must include arrival and departure times. 

What is 416.15(c)(5) Management and Administration? 


This is the only case in which children are not to use hand sanitizer at any point in time. 

What is hand hygiene for children under the age of 2? 


Children may not sleep in either one of these 5 things.

What are car seats, baby swings, strollers, infant seats, and bouncy seats?


A child may not attend any program if this medical information has not been provided for that child. 

What is Immunization Information? 


This includes awareness of and responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child.

  What is competent supervision?