Results from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances an individual experiences as physically or emotionally harmful or threatening.
What is Trauma.
When an individual experiences or witnesses a serious, harmful or life-threatening event such as physical, emotional, sexual abuse or violence.
Individual Trauma.
Is intergenerational trauma experienced by a specific race, culture or ethnic group that has a History of being systematically oppressed.
Historical trauma.
Using an individual's strengths to empower them in the development of their treatment.
Patient/Client empowerment.
Prolonged exposure to traumatic events may interrupt normal brain development leading to maladaptive coping such as, unhealthy eating, self-harm or substance abuse.
True or False
This can occur when an individual learns or knows about traumatizing events experienced by others.
Secondary or Vicarious Trauma
This trauma affects a subset of a population due to their cultural identity, such as race, gender or class.
Cultural trauma.
Informing clients of their treatment options so they can choose the options they prefer.
Prolonged exposure to trauma Always leads to substance abuse disorders.
True or False
This type of trauma can affect multiple people within a family, disrupting how family members relate to each other and function as a unit.
Family Trauma.
This is the number of individuals one provider can bill on at a time.
Maximizing collaboration among staff, clients and their families in treatment planning.
Questionnaire to screen for trauma among adults.
This type of trauma can occur when traumatic effects are passed across generations typically passed through parent/child relationships.
Intergenerational Trauma.
This is the frequency at which DCILs should be submitted.
Developing settings and activities that ensure client's physical and emotional safety.
A questionnaire to screen for trauma among children and adolescents.
PEARLS (Pediatric ACEs and Related Life Events)
This type of trauma affects a group with particular characteristics or affiliations, such as military service members or LGBTQIA2S+.
Group and Community Trauma
This is the number of minutes needed for Day treatment.
Creating clear expectations with clients about what the proposed treatments entail, who will provide them and how.