What is programmatic advertising?
A type of advertising that involves buying space for digital ads through programmatic ad platforms like Google, Meta, and Yahoo.
What does a geographic profile do?
Geographic profiles leverage geographic data, indicating which promotions would be most important based on location.
With all factors considered, which has proven to be more efficient and effective - search engine market techniques or instant display ads?
search engine market techniques
Native advertising
What are the 3 different types of programmatic advertising?
Real-time bidding (RTB), private marketplace (PMP), and programmatic direct (PD).
What does a behavioural profile do?
A behavioral profile looks at a user's searches and previous purchases for ad targeting purposes.
What are the disadvantages of instant display ads?
Lower user engagement and annoying to users.
What is the main strategy of native advertising?
Native advertising's main strategy is to precisely target ads based on consumer demographics, behaviour, and interests. They use this information to then craft ads on different levels of user interaction.
"Native advertising creates ads in a way that is so cohesive and blendable with the content of websites that consumers aren’t able to differentiate between ad and content."
Fill in the blanks. "The holy grail of ______ and ______ is delivering the right message to the right person at the right time”
"The holy grail of advertising and marketing is delivering the right message to the right person at the right time”
What is the main difference between instant display ads and search engine marketing techniques?
Search engine marketing techniques already cater to the users needs and only show them what they intend to look for, while instant display ads often appear even when users are not actively looking for the product or they might have searched for it previously.
Fill in the blank. "The global market for native ads is to rise above _______ in annual revenue by the end of 2025."
"The global market for native ads is to rise above $402 billion in annual revenue by the end of 2025."
What do programmatic direct platforms claim they use?
"The programmatic direct platforms claim they use algorithms and machine learning programs that can identify over time the most effective ads on the most productive websites."
What is the overall purpose of the different profiles?
These profiles take data that is collected pertaining to consumers, and repurposes it to help identify what consumers want specifically, and target specific advertisements to them accordingly.
Fill in the blank. "Generally, instant display ads are ______ ______ than search engine market techniques."
"Generally, instant display ads are less effective than search engine market techniques."
Out of the three types of programmatic advertising name 1
Real time bidding (RTB), Private Marketplace (PMP), Programmatic Direct (PD)
What is the difference between PMP and RTB?
PMP is similar to RTB but differs in the sense of only allowing a few selected advertisers to bid on ad space rather than a free for all.
What are the 7 different categories of customer profiles that advertisers have created?
These profile types are behavioural, demographic, geographic, contextual, psychographic, purchase intent and first party data profiles.
What are two major risks associated with instant display ads that make them less effective than search engine marketing techniques?
Where can native advertising be present?
Native ads can be present in search engines, social media, and open web tools like Taboola.