What is the total amount of time that a muscle is actively contracting and under strain during a set of exercise?
Time Under Tension
Step 1 (Out of the 3 main steps)
Needs Analysis: Therapeutic Exercise Goals
Load: 60-70% 1RM (Novice/ Intermediate), >80% 1RM (advanced)
Reps: 8-12 (Novice/ Intermediate), 1-8 (advanced)
Sets: 1-3 (N/I), 2-6 (A)
Muscular Strength
3 R‘s of Rehab
1. Relieve Symptoms
2. Restore Deficiencies
3. Return to Function
1. The movement or exercise
2. The conditions in which the action is performed
1. Action
2. Environment
How is time under tension calculated?
By measuring the time spent during the exercise contracting
Step 2 (Out of the 3 main steps)
Exercise Prescription: Dosage using FITT VP
Reps: 3-6
Sets: 1-3
Muscular Power
Contraindications (5 listed in PPT)
1. Acute inflammation
2. Acute disease processes ( i.e. Gout, MS, autoimmune diseases)
3. Severe pain w/o load or against manual resistance
4. Inflammatory NM diseases (Gillian-Barre, Polymyoitis, dermatomyositis)
5. Severe cardiac Diseases (CHF, MI)
3. The placement or location where the action is performed
4. The part of the body that receives power and transmits motion to other parts of the body
3. Position
4. Driver
A load that exceeds the metabolic capacity of the muscle must be applied to elicit a change in muscle performance
Overload Principle
Step 3 (Out of the 3 main steps)
Determine the program’s order
Load: 70-85% 1RM (novice/intermediate), >70% 1RM (advanced)
Reps: 8-12 (n/i), 1-12(a)
Sets: 1-3 (n/i), 3-6 (a)
Muscular Hypertrophy
Two sequentially performed exercises that stress two opposing muscle groups or muscle areas I.e. stressing the agonist and the antagonist at a particular joint.
5. A point to or from which the action is moving; plane of motion to describe the action
6. Vertical coordinate or description of the action
5. Direction
6. Height
Exercises utilized should mimic the anticipated function
SAID (Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demand) Principle
Most common method for determining a programs order?
Large muscle groups, multi-joint, & complex movements first. Followed by smaller muscle groups, single-joint, less complex movements.
Load: <70% 1RM
Reps: 10-25
Sets: 2-4
Muscular Endurance
Compound Set
7. Amount of space between two points; the horizontal coordinate or description of the action
8. The amount of work performed
8. Load
Adaptive changes are transient unless training-induced improvements are regularly utilized or a maintenance program is performed
Other methods for determining a programs method listed in the PPT (there are 4)
1. Alternate upper and lower body
2. Alternate push and pull
3. Supersets
4. Compound Sets
1. What is the rest period for Muscular strength, muscular power, and muscular hypertrophy?
2. What is the rest period for muscular endurance?
1. 1-2 mins for lighter loads and 2-3 mins for higher loads
2. 30s-1min
7 examples of resistance training listed in the PPT
1. Manual Resistance
2. PNF
3. Mechanical Resistance
4. PRE
5. BFR (blood flow restriction)
6. Circuit Training
7. Isokinetic Training
9. The speed with which the action is performed
10. The amount; time, sets, reps
9. Rate
10. Duration