Context Clues
Signal Words

Listen to your teacher read the passage titled: The Yule Book Flood and answer the question:

When does Jon’s great-uncle begin to tell him his story?

A before a great war happened in the country of Iceland

B before he knows that Jon did not save enough of his chore money

C after Jon tells him that he likes the idea of buying his sister a book

D after he finds out that Jon does not have money to buy his sister a gift

D - In the story Jon first does not have the money, THEN his great-uncle starts telling the story.


Read the sentence from the passage

“We are constructing flowers from paper.”

What does the word constructing mean?

A) Thinking

B) Holding

C) Making

D) Stopping

C - Making


Which of these signal words would use for the beginning of a story?

1. First

2. Next

3. Then

4. Last


Is a nonfiction story real or fake?



Listen to your teacher read the story: The Yule Book Flood and answer the question

What happens at the end of the passage?

A Jon feels embarrassed.

B Jon spends the money he earned.

C Jon decides to give his sister a book.

D Jon listens to a story.

C - This event happens at the end of the story.


Read the sentence from the passage.

“It’s not a gloomy time, but rather it is like a two-day party.”

What does the word gloomy mean?

A very sad

B not usual

C easy

D simple

A) Very sad


Which of these words is not a signal word

1. First

2. Next

3. Also

4. Nothing

4. Nothing

Is a fiction story real or fake?



Listen to your teacher read: The Ship of The Desert then answer the question: 

How is the story about the man in the desert organized?

A to show why the man is walking in the desert in the first place

B to show how the man gets knowledge about the camels

over time

C to show how the desert compares to other places the man

has been

D to show why the desert is the best place for the man to live

B - This story tells us about the man getting knowledge on the camels. That is the MAIN FOCUS of the story! 


Read the sentence from the passage.

The man was returning to his family from far away, but the hot sun and

the heavy load he lugged made the journey difficult.

What does the word lugged mean?

A paid for

B searched for

C thought about

D carried along

D - Carried along


Which of these words is a signal word?

1. Therefore

2. Never

3. Yes

4. Okay

1. Therefore


Which of these is realistic fiction?

1. A story someone wrote about their OWN life

2. A story someone wrote about someone elses life

3. A story that seems real but is not

4. A story that has magic and talking animals

3. A story that seems real but is not


Which sentence from the passage tells what happens after the man rides the creature all the way home?

A ”The man rushed away.”

B ”It kept drinking and drinking.”

C ”The animal awoke and got to its feet.”

D ”His children greeted him excitedly.”

D - After he arrived home he greeted his children. The other events happened BEFORE he got home.


Read the sentence from the passage.

     He decided to observe them carefully to see what he could learn.

 Which word from the sentence helps the reader understand the

meaning of observe?

A decided

B see

C could

D learn

B - See


Is this word a signal word?




Which of these is an autobiography?

1. A story someone wrote about their OWN life

2. A story someone wrote about someone elses life

3. A story that seems real but is not

4. A story that has magic and talking animals

1. A story someone wrote about their own life


Put the events in the correct order from 1 to 5. Write the correct

number in front of each event.

______ The man rides the animal all the way home.

______ The man walks through the desert to return to

his family.

______ The man sees a creature that scares him.

______ The man realizes the animals don’t need water for a

long time.

______ The man watches the animals and learns about them.

1) the main walks through the desert to return to his family

2) The man sees a creature that scares him

3) The main watches the animals and learns about them

4) The main realizes the animals don't need water for a long time 

5) The man rides the animal all the way home


Read the sentence from the passage

It was down in the sand with its eyes closed, dozing.

What does the word dozing mean?

A sleeping

B running

C fighting

D drinking

A - Sleeping

Three of these are signal words: Which three are they?

1. So

2. Next

3. As a result

4. Never

So, Next, As a result


What kind of story was Yoon and the Jade Bracelet?

1. Nonfiction

2. Fiction

3. Realistic fiction

4. autobiography

3. Realistic fiction